Bossie & Mercer

This simple poem will be very brief
Its purpose is highlighting these Trumple men

D. Bossie’s career goes back twenty two years
As hit man political, ethics be damned,
Was Prexy of Citizens United back then
In o-ten when SCOTUS ruled favoring CU

Before Kellyanne joined the Trumple campaign
She managed Trump’s super PAC, M A N O
The one who replaced her was David N Bossie
Now Trumple has hired him as hit-man on Hillary

Mercer’s the financier pulling the strings

Financier Mercer is a doctor of physics
Brilliant in science, his work earned awards
Developer of automated language recognition
Now CEO of a hedge fund worth billions
Right-wing supporter backing Breitbart and MANO

Gather details in wiki- links for Bossie and Mercer


Modern Day Slavery

Trump Model Management managed to cheat
Young female models brought here from abroad
To work here illegally then poorly treat
Like all Trumple workers they’re his to defraud

They came here as tourists; were told they should lie
To custom officials for visas to stay
They worked, then, as models and barely got by
Exorbitant fees were removed from their pay

‘Twas “modern day slavery” a model did say
To author James West of the Mother Jones site
“The most crooked agency…” docking their pay
While Trumple made millions exploiting their plight

This is the man who would be President
Railing against all illegals employed
Hypocrite, liar one hundred percent
Should he win, millions would be overjoyed


Something There Is …

“Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”
Written by Frost; Señor Trump buys it not
He will build a wall over ninety feet tall
But his tirades last night did reveal quite a lot

Aside from his claims clearly lacking for fact
Such as hordes of illegals each day streaming in
And stealing our jobs and performing bad acts
That Trumple is nativist isn’t just spin

It does indicate glaring gaps fundamental
Today’s GOP suffers major divides
The Trump nativism, itself isn’t fatal
But could well foretell of the Party’s demise

If GOP fissions, then what happens next
This new xenophobia, long it may thrive
A Know-Nothing party revised in context
Republican moderates might not survive


Yuuuge Scandal

I’ve been involved with government organizations most of my professional life. I recognize how things get done. Some call it “business as usual”. This is a stream-of-consciousness poem. Simple phrases as they come to me.

Business as usual there in DC
Access for gifting, it’s all there to see
Congressmen do it and Senators too
It’s business as usual, there is no taboo
Just look at Virginia and R F McDonnell
The courts set him free, though he took gifts from Jonnie
In every such instance of access for gifting
The one who’s receiving retains what is gifted
That’s not true of Clinton, she keeps not a penny
It funds the Foundation, such favors, if any
For hundreds of children to keep them alive
Access so hundreds of children might thrive
A worthy tradeoff considering things
Foundation donations for pulling some strings
But if she were consciously playing for pay
Scheduling meetings with her in this way
Her record in doing this, pulling this off
Is so bad it’d cause her supporters to laugh
Of the seventeen thousand such meetings she held
Only eighty or so made donations as well
That is half a percent, really all she did handle
But oh me, oh my, it is such a yuuuge scandal


Rigged Elections

In witnessing Trumple’s projections so dire
On whomever he is against
His usage of labels like “crooked” and “liar”
And “bigot”, it makes no sense
Except as projections of Trumple himself

I would opine that his labels so far
Have only rebounded on him
But once Trumple claimed that elections are rigged
This could lead to something quite grim
Could Trumple be planning to rig them, himself

But how could he do that, if he so desired
Without being caught in the act
It’s easy for hackers whom Trumple could hire
Since voting machines can be hacked
And Trumple would win, which counts most to himself


A Letter to Hillary

I have sent this poelitic to Hillary’s campaign.  If I get other than a perfunctory response I will share it with you on this blog.

A letter, dear Hillary, on subjects not new
This blog has supported you right from the start
But still questions linger; they come from the heart
On incidents for which opponents blame you

The first is Benghazi, please time-step us through
On what you knew when, and then what did you do
On Emails please tell us what’s false and what’s true
And on the Foundation, shed light on that too

We know that these issues your staff has addressed
And you have responded to some with vague clues
When clarity’s lacking it fosters false views
Your role in these issues has Fox News obsessed

So, please draft an op-ed, or news conference throw
And where there are issues admit to them too
It’s not enough giving obscure interviews
Supporters don’t want to vote holding their nose


Mystery Man

Now that Paul Manafort’s no longer there
Puppeteer Putin’s receeding, it’s plain
A new puppet master with billions to spare
Is pulling strings now in the Trumple campaign

This mystery man underwrites Trumple’s pact
Managed by Kellyanne, now Trumple’s pawn
And also he bankrolls Breitbart; it’s a fact
That Breitbart’s Steve Brannon is Trumple’s chief man

So who is this guy; also what is his role
His name’s Robert Mercer; hedge funds keep him rich
Established Republicans out, seems his goal
Replaced by the radical right; that’s his shtick


Swampy River

Trump’s latest label for Hillary is “bigot”.

Way down along the Swampy River
Where Trumple dwells
That’s where his filth is spewing over
That’s where his ego swells

Gross are the names he labels people
Whom he’s against
Gone are the days of discourse civil
Gone, too, is common sense

All the phrases Trumple utters
Sad it is to say
Stink loudly, coming from the gutter
It needn’t be this way


Pay For Play

I could have written on Hillary’s health but Frank Bruni of the NYT (8/23/16) said it best in his op ed.  I could have written about the battle of liers , but  PolitiFact has the facts: Trump Score Card; Clinton Score Card.  So I settled on  Trump’s unwarranted attacks on Hillary and the Clinton Foundation.

It is all pay-for-play, that is what Trumple says
The Clinton Foundation is phony
To gain Clinton access, you first had to pay
The Clinton Foundation big money

This misrepresents the Foundation’s role
Contributions are charity, not bribes
The Foundation runs programs with laudable goals
Saving lives by the millions worldwide

Thousands of prominent people have spent
Moments with Clinton at work
Some had donated with no evidence
Of favors or DOS perks

So I’ve had enough of these overblown cries
That Clinton’s corrupt at her core
That she’s worse than Watergate, Nixon’s demise
It’s Trump trying to even the score
