
Another day of history, today
Of victory within the DOJ
Who won a very difficult conviction
Against those charged with criminal sedition

01 06 21,  that was the date
The Capital was stormed, a pre-planned fate
Oath Keepers tried to alter the election
They, now, will face long years of jail correction

The verdicts in this case have implications
Well beyond the Keeper’s situation
It labels what took place not as a riot
But as a deep, premeditated plot

To overthrow by force democracy
To whit sedition, a conspiracy
It also signals those who would conspire
Sedition, consequences very dire



Thanksgiving season gives me time to contemplate
On fundamental natures, we as humans –

Thankfulness for all that we appreciated
Thanking those that thus participated
People, animals and plants
And, ultimately, God

It is our deep necessity
Reflecting life’s uncertainties
To cling to something absolute
That we believe infallible
A person, book or deity
It’s through such faith that we gain strength
To deal with life’s vicissitudes
Faith is our path to God

But where there’s faith there’s also doubt
If people like us don’t agree
And worship not our deity
They must convert or force them out
Else gone infallibility

Pack animals we are like wolves
We either lead or we are led
Just who and how a leader’s picked
This is the field of politics
Depending who is in our pack
They’re either like us or they aren’t
Our pack is broad or it is not
We either tolerate or not

The arc of human history
Increasing pack diversity


Post Election Day

As some folks say, the ones who know about these things
It ain’t all over, not until the fat lady sings
But I’ll tell you, that red tsunami that Republicans predicted
Turned out to be a pinkish drizzle unexpected

Just who’ll control the Senate and the House
Blue stays the Senate; there I’ve got but little doubt
The House just slightly red with Kevin as its Speaker
But counting’s incomplete. Some races really squeakers

But one thing now we truthfully can say
Autocracy’s defeated, Democracy held sway



Democracy will surely die
If we just stand there idly by

If we just do our every day
Democracy will slip away

This time, to vote is not enough
Get others out, although it’s tough

Go volunteer. Go door to door
This year it’s not like years before

Don’t let them win who buy the lie
Democracy will surely die

Imperative this time to act
Once gone, it’s hard to bring it back


Dick & Jane, The Voters

Quite interesting isn’t it
That shortfalls in the money purse
Are blamed by most on Democrats
‘Though that’s not where the problem’s at
What even makes these matters worse
No easy path to fixing it

Inflation’s due to many things
The great pandemic, Ukraine’s war,
Producers gouging merrily,
The spending spree by you and me
Supply-Demand, the way things are
More misery to folks it brings

Empowering Republicans
By voting for them this November
Will really only make things worse
They can’t inflation’s course reverse
But they’ll democracy dismember
And take the reigns with racist hands

So why are Dick and Jane, the voters
Voting Rep., not Dem. that day?
Their brains are wet, all bathed in lies
Their truths are falsehoods in disguise
They vote to take their rights away
So polls appear, say all their quoters


Did You Know?

Some numbers you might find of interest
Did you know five hundred fifty two
Are running for elected office
And of that number one nine nine
The last election they deny
That Biden won. Oh dear! Oh my!
‘Though all the votes were counted fine
Recounted often many times
Imagine what these folks will do
If voted in.
They’ll fix it so they’ll never lose
They’ll always win
So when you vote
A caution note
Please do be careful whom you choose


A Good Read

I’m reading carefully a book by David Corn
“American Psychosis” which reveals in depth
Historic reasons why our country’s torn
And why democracy for us may meet its death

All through our history since our nation’s founding
Trumped up conspiracies did flourish throughout
Fomenting hatred, fear, words racist sounding
Pro white supremacy it was about

A universal theme of Corn’s vast tome:
A segment consequential of society
Resides in fear and ignorance, their home
The fertile home for false conspiracies

They’re taught to fear the communist, the Jew,
The immigrant of non-Caucasian roots
And politicians claim to share their views
Pretenses false so as to get their votes

Societies and prophets came and went
Illuminati, Birch and KKK
McCarthyism, Bolsheviks, now spent
But followers in ignorance still stay

The latest prophet false to woo this crowd
Is Donald Trump. His crowd wears MAGA hats
And now Trump has non-MAGA Reps. all cowed
Like those before, the MAGA votes, is where it’s at


A Nasty Ordeal

So much in the news
From which I could choose
But tops in my view:
Judge Cannon, the loose

She made her decision
Much viewed with derision
Her ruling’s position
Supported Trump’s mission

All documents, even
Those classified Secret,
Must all thus be proven
Her ruling Trump driven

That leaves DOJ
With no other way
To counter her say
Than ask for a stay

And file an appeal
The Court of Appeals
To quash Cannon’s spiel
A nasty ordeal


Trump’s Motives 2

Trump’s motives get dicier since we have learned
Of several docs’ classification they earned
Top Secret, No Foreign, Compartmented stuff
Of nuclear info few people could touch

Such papers are kept in a safe in a SCIF
Mishandling them brings on penalties stiff
They must be signed out then signed back to the safe
Trump knew when committing those document rapes

Trump made it quite easy for guests and for staff
Who really were spies and could take photographs
They’d be trained to access locked chambers and steal
Now the Feds must assume secrets have been revealed

Meanwhile Trump, the victim, claimed it wasn’t fair
For Justice Department to see what was there
Among all the docs he was privileged to keep
He sued for a “master” to choose who could see

Judge Aileen M Cannon, this case she decided
Appointed by Trump and with Trump’s plea she sided
Her decision was criticized sharply by many
Top tier legal experts with rationale plenty

I doubt special masters are easy to find
With top level clearance, it boggles the mind
On whom both the parties could truly agree
Thus, stalling the Fed’s probe of Trump so it seems

It appears that Judge Cannon’s a true MAGA judge
There’re many more like her, inexperienced and young
I do think this ruling will soon be appealed
This won’t be their last with Trump’s foibles to deal


Trump’s Motives

They say Trump absconded with classified stuff
He claims they’re his documents; why all the fuss?
Okay, some top secret, so what does that mean?
By Jill and Joe public they shouldn’t be seen

But Trump was our President; maybe still is
If he says “they‘re mine” then they really are his
The Feds had no right to invade where Trump lives
And steal all those boxes; one wonders what gives?

That’s what a Republican MAGA might say
He doesn’t let truthfulness get in his way
But Trump really knew he was breaking the law
But he could care less; some advantage he saw

In taking these documents out from the SCIF
In spite of the penalties, punishments stiff
And have them repaired to his Florida home,
To Club Mar-A-Lago plus places unknown

So what were Trump’s motives with great risk in sight
Although Trump looks down on the law from his height
It is the big question to speculate on
So here’s my conjecture, experience drawn

To have inside knowledge that few others have
It builds up his ego to boast and to rave
It’s data to market for power and wealth
In spite of the dangers to some agents’ health

Knowledge to blackmail toward getting his way
Knowledge for ruining, making one pay
Many nefarious things Trump could find
But really I think these weren’t strong on his mind

Trump felt that he owned them; they’re his he believed
They helped to define his Presidency
Since he’s still the government, what he says goes
What motive beyond that not even Trump knows
