We all love Joe, the job he’s done, the mensch he is
We’d love to have the man we’ve known (‘twould be our goal)
As president. But Joe no longer is that man. True ‘tis
His eighty years and two have clearly taken toll
It’s hard and hard to try to do once things you did
With nary giving them a second thought
I know. I’m ninety one. Gaffes can’t be hid
As though they didn’t happen, when they’re caught
Joe, truthfully, it’s really not an easy choice
What’s best for all of us, you must decide
You’ve always put us first. It’s been your voice
The goal of beating Trump can’t be denied
The choice of staying in or bowing out
It’s up to you and only up to you
We’ll follow your decision, there’s no doubt
The nation’s future’s in your hands, it’s true
Category: Uncategorized
One July, 2024
On one July two oh two four
A date to mark with infamy
When Court Supreme, its role ignored,
So scuttled our democracy
Our Constitution’s founding rule
That no one is above the law
The Court that now is Don Trump’s tool
Has abrogated it as flawed
The President has power now
As he damn pleases; on a whim
To break the law; no way, no how
Can Justice lay a glove on him
So bid adieu our Constitution
Bid adieu democracy
The Courts now rule our institutions
We’re a full autocracy
King Biden
According to the Court Extreme
Joe Biden now you are the King
Make what you do official seem
Then you could do most anything
Like execute your rival, Trump
Need not be surreptitiously
You know he really is a chump
A but pain, I mean seriously
You can get wealthy taking bribes
For pardons issued, convicts freed
You can imprison one for life
Quite independent of his deeds
All hale Joe Biden, our now king
Long should he live, at least four years
His praises many, we all sing
We sing while shedding giant tears
The Lost Debate
A debate it was where neither won.
Both lost.
Their close supporters feel undone
And tossed
Trump lost the undecided with
His lies
His version of what’s real, but in
Joe Biden lost their confidence
His fans
‘Twas clear he was a weak and tense
Old man
Regaining voters back, what might
He do?
I’d say to Biden time to fight
To demonstrate you’ve strength enough
That you’re all there. Enough you’re tough
To win
Trump Bubble
Within the Trump bubble, what’s going on now?
He challenged Joe Biden, “Get mentally examined!”
But then his own doctors he mixed up somehow
Each day it’s apparent he’s mentally challenged
But that doesn’t matter to those in his bubble
Top G.O.P. leaders, the Senate, the House
Where once they denounced him as nothing but trouble
They now all embrace him; their ticket to power
These G.O.P. leaders, all true hypocrites
To maintain their power there’s naught they won’t do
If it means electing someone who’s unfit,
A felon, a rapist, misogynist too,
A liar, a cheater, who stoked armed rebellion,
Who says to embrace him you must buy his lies
And do what he tells you, no matter the outcome
And those who oppose him politically die
“Accepting all that to stay in? Count me in!
Unless I’m in Office, I’ve nothing to do
My stupid constituents vote me to win
And then I ignore them when Trump tells me to”
Let’s work toward the day that the Trump bubble bursts
When voters Republican vote people in
Who know how to govern; who’ll put people first
We’ll then have democracy; everyone wins
Thirty Four
Trump was convicted on thirty four counts
Thirty four times now a felon he is
A GOP campaign of terror they mount
Against all who helped to bring those verdicts in
Their families and they many threats have received
Death threats and verbal abuse; no one spared
Their purpose to hamstring the courts, I believe
Where future court jurors won’t join; they’ll be scared
Meanwhile in Congress Republicans claim
That our juris prudence has taken a fall
Trump’s trial was rigged and Joe Biden’s to blame
But no cited proof, empty verbiage that’s all
Trump is a felon, a rapist is he
Misogynist, racist; he’s mentally impaired
A full fledged dictator he intends to be
With vengeance toward enemies; poorly they’ll fare
This is the man whom the GOP wants
To lead us as well as the rest of the Earth
Who’d rule us by fiats and merciless daunts
We can’t let this happen, for all that that’s worth
Judge Aileen Cannon, way to go!
You’ll make it happen, we all know
Putting off the trial date
Indefinitely. How great!
This way when Trump becomes the pres.
And “I’m retiring”, Thomas says
You’ll be there ready then to be
Appointed to the Court Supreme
Her tactics, typical they are
Of fascist states distorting law
Where justice is an empty word
And freedom’s call can not be heard
Her selfish act to keep Trump free
Helps undermine democracy
It’s not alone in recent news
There’s much, much more; it is my view
Egregious, though, perhaps the most
Is what the RNC now boasts
To be a true Republican
One must espouse that Trump had won
In twenty twenty and should be
Our current president, you see
Thus leaders of the RNC
Won’t buy a Biden victory
The question raised by these events:
How then to choose a president?
Supreme Court hearing, did you hear
‘Twas twenty twenty one that year
The year the presidential coup
Almost succeeded; Trump v. you
At issue here: Was Trump immune
From prosecution? ‘Twas his tune
Since he was President, you see
His acts were legal. He was free
Trump’s justices, the bush beat ‘round
With hypotheticals unsound
Did not address the issue’s core
Revealing biases galore
Their tactic: to delay, it’s clear
The trial of Trump until next year
Beyond elections in the Fall
And possibly no trial at all
The Court’s behavior does reveal
The dangers of this Court are real
Their claim of justice is a fake
Democracy, itself’s at stake
So stark today’s comparison
With Trump creating history
Deflated in his misery
First President to be on trial
Been charged with deeds felonious
While Biden with his counselors met
Deciding what’s the best response
To Natanyahu on Iran’s
Three hundred drones and missiles sent
At Israel – which were shot down
Who would you choose as President?
- Tsavah
It’s not the tsavah that I knew
It’s not the Hel Avir, my friends,
When Israel was still quite new
And I designing things for them
Then Golda was Prime Minister
Unlike old Bibi, now P.M.
Who’s actions board on sinister
Who really doesn’t give a damn
That three and thirty thousand died
Block-buster bombs on Gaza dense
Civilians found no place to hide
Plus Hamas tactics, no pretense
They used civilians as their shields
One hundred thousand protesters
Israelis taking to the fields
And streets around Jerusalem
Amounts to more than one percent
Of Israel’s total population
One percent, a delegation
Telling Bibi to resign
Maspeak! Enough! Now is the time!
2 April 2024