Impeachment Trial, Day Two

We sat glue-eyed, transfixed by sight and sound
The Senate trial of Trump, ten cuts beyond
House managers with expertise, aplomb
Replayed the insurrection, seen at home

Explained in detail what took place and when
The role Trump played convincing his Big Lie
His failures to dispute the Biden win
How “Stop the steal!” became Trump’s battle cry

New scenes in video that came alive
Of rioters well armed and organized
Who stormed the Capital, blood in their eyes
And Congress members fleeing for their lives

It left no doubt that Trump was all on board
The rioters were there to fight for him
He pitched them to a frenzied, maddened hoard
To stop elector counting so he’d win

It will be interesting, all said and done
How Senators, Republican, will choose –
To label Trump the truly guilty one,
Or vote acquittal; licking at Trump’s shoes


Glass On The Capital Steps

Scattered fragments of our democracy
Shards of violence incited by Pres. Forty Five
The sixth of January twenty twenty one
We shall not forget

An officer, one Brian Sicknick
Murdered by the rioters
Honored, lies in state beneath the dome
We shall not forget

Next week begins
The trial of Forty Five
Impeached this second time
His lie that he’s still President
Will be the core of his defense
‘Twas at the core of his demise
That led to this impeachment trial
That’s really truly chutzpah!!

This Senate trial will reveal
The cowardice or courage
Of each Senator
And we shall not forget



A breath of air as normalcy returns
Returns, indeed, to our executive
Where facts deserve our trust
And progress is a must
Where science trump’s political invective
And truth’s no longer spurned

Except for Senators and Congressmen
Who still react as though still bound to Trump
Who partnered in seditious acts
By voting lies while knowing facts
And openly fomented violence, a death cult
What has the country’s G.O.P. become?

Q-Anon and white supremacy have taken root
Where Trump had early welcomed them aboard
Death threats openly abound
Fingers pointing all around
How do they justify their acts and words?
Political survival – it’s their chosen route


Inauguration 2021

My eyes weren’t dry as I heard J.Lo sing
My ears rejoiced, Amanda’s poetry:
That “Even as we grieved, we grew”
Out with the old, in with the new
As Joe and Kamala in humble majesty
Enter the ring

The “Hill We Climb” is rocky, it is steep
Though Trump is gone his stain remains
His legacy a G.O.P. of sycophants
Who fill the Congress chambers with their empty rants
Four hundred thousand who’ll not see the sun again
Our image all around the world weak

With Joe and Kam as leaders we’ll revive
We’ll conquer this pandemic, this malaise
Again we’ll be a partner with the world
And proudly we’ll salute our flag unfurled
Our many will be one, our motto says
A time to celebrate, a time to be alive


Today Is History

For the first historic time a President will be
Impeached a second time. ‘Twill be the Prexy’s fate
The vote will be bipartisan against the Prexy’s deeds
Fomenting insurrection by mad mobs consumed with hate

Mitch McConnell, bless his shriveled scheming heart
Figured that the time was right to jump
‘Twas time to force Trump early to depart
He doesn’t want him on the campaign stump

He’s likely for conviction then to vote
And vote so Trump could never run again
‘Twould free him from the tails of Donald’s coat
His power would be the way it’s always been

And as McConnell votes so then will others
Perhaps enough the Donald to convict
‘Twould be another first, ‘though not Trump’s druthers
Not too unlikely is what I depict


Two Things

Two Things

Two things I want to emphasize
But first I must point out
Our adversaries realize
That we are weak, no doubt
So now’s the time most opportune
To do what they most want to do
To do it now. To do it soon                                                                     Since future chances may be few

While Trump, though Pres. seems unaware
It’s clear that he just doesn’t care

Thing one: the Congressmen who did object
To certifying those electors from some purple states
Toward the Constitution showed deep disrespect
And are responsible as Trump for all the hate
That culminated in this coups attempt, which failed
Five people dead; lawmakers cowering in fear
Though many perpetrators will be jailed
Those who fomented this sedition should pay dear

Trump should resign (as should Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz)
Or he will be impeached again, that is the news

Thing two: I don’t agree with those who say
Democracy was weakened by this coups
Although it was a truly dire day
Democracy survived! That is the news.
And out of these events, this crucible
Will come new strength to shore up where we’re weak
Trump and his rabble weakened from their trouble
Learn, countries of the world whereof I speak

Though difficult the road ahead and long
Do know that our democracy is strong


What a Day!

It’s time, I say, to now invoke the twenty fifth Amendment
Trump has demonstrated that he is
A clear and serious danger to the nation
Having so incited sedition, insurrection
The storming of the Capital by Trump’s deluded mob
To halt the voting of each state’s’ electors
The chambers breached and desecrated
Bearing flags and arms; where were the cops?

Their purpose, though, was not achieved
The tallied votes of all the states
That certified officially
Joe Biden will be President
And Kamala, Vice President.
But two weeks still remain

Congratulations Jon and David, two new Senators elected
Georgia has turned blue and, too, the Senate
So far democracy survives,
But only barely


Tweet,Tweet, Tweet

When Joe Biden walks down the street
All the little Trumpies go tweet, tweet, tweet
Though Joe’s winning was evident
They don’t buy that he’ll be President

As this old year comes to a close
There’s one thing that Joe Biden knows
Trump’s tweet tweeting will not soon stop
Though his bubble is going to pop

All the little Trumpies will carry on
Long, long after Pres. Trump is gone
They’ll hound Biden with tweet, tweet, tweet
But Pres. Biden will not retreat

Once Joe’s sworn in as President
We’ll be happy where last year went
Happy New Year to all of you
What you wish for should all come true



Clearly Trump is angry at the nation’s Democrats
Clearly Trump is angry at the Senate GOP
Clearly getting even on them is where he is at
Not signing the relief bill he’ll enhance their misery

Congress says to sign it or at least provide a veto
So they could override it and deliver some relief
But come the third of January it’s a pocket veto
And Congress will be new; this bill would thereby see defeat

And down the Government would shut, Trump wreaking his revenge
He may refuse to open it unless the Congress votes
To overrule the nation’s choice and keep him President
Such blackmail’s really not beyond him, I would sadly note

But I believe he’d not succeed were he to take this route
Be that as may, it’s strange, I say, my harboring such thoughts
Revealing deep my lack of trust of Trump, my many doubts
But New Year dawns a new day won by all the battles fought
