Now there’s some land in Arizona north of Phoenix, north and west
A wilderness, not many people, known as Congress District two
It’s been six times , now, they have voted for the man they think is best
To represent them, their beliefs, what they want government to do
Their Rep, a former dentist, named Paul Gosar, history made
The man was formally rebuked, was censured by the House
All Democrats plus two Republicans who weren’t afraid
To join in condemnation of what Gosar was about
A video he’d tweeted, one cartooning him in action
Murdering Rep A.O.L. and threatening the President
Much disapproval in the Press; but kudos from his faction
QAnon, the racist right; he is their man in residence
So where were House Republicans, their leader, K. McCarthy?
Did they condone Gosar’s behavior when they voted nay?
They voted nay in fear of Trump who still controls the Party
The G.O.P. side of the House has lost its moral way
They want to punish their own Reps for voting for a bill
Bipartisan for infrastructure: bridges, roads, railways
All while condoning Paul Gosar, his act of virtual kill
I wonder – Paul’s constituents: will they still vote his way?
Category: Uncategorized
An Update
It’s been some time since last I wrote
A lot’s occurred that merits note
But I’ll just mention what matters most
State Governor contests, two took place
Dems lost Virginia, a ho-hum race
But won New Jersey. It saved some face
The loss depressed Dems deep in funk
November’s contests they will flunk
I say it’s time to show some spunk
Then Congress passed great legislation
‘Twill soon be signed before the nation
Bipartisan, cause for jubilation
A trillion plus for infrastructure
For roads and bridges fraught with fractures
Internet ‘cross rural pastures
New jobs reached five thousand plus
COVID cases downward bust
But Biden’s ratings bit the dust
It has to do with expectations
Like sausages new legislation’s
Hard to watch in preparation
Biden’s ratings will recover
Democrats will soon discover
Things accomplished trump Trump’s blabber
There’s still a lot that must get done
So don’t give up, though not much fun
Persistence works; with it we’ll win!
Off again
On again
Gone again
Traitor Trump
Traitor Trump was loud broadcasting
To his base, his loyal crew
And to those his coattails grasping
Fearing what to them he’d do
Send me money, big donations
Patriots I’ll make of you
And embrace my fabrications
Else my spite will follow through
Republicans, I’m what you stand for
Vote for me, for if you don’t
You’ll become a hated traitor
Be elected hence, you won’t
Signs of Donald’s desperation
He’ll do treason to regain
The Presidency of this nation
To be powerful again
His acolytes, the legislatures
Of swing states gone nearly blue
Have passed laws whose very nature
Kills democracy; it’s true!
Meanwhile Democrats are busy
Arguing, where nothing’s done
Sinema behaving prissy
Manchin standing grand as one
Traitor Trump could end up winning
While Dem’s chances slip away
Time for Dems to quit their spinning
Not to waste another day!
Kyrsten Our Kyrsten
Sent to Senator Kyrsten Sinema
Kyrsten, our Kyrsten we know what you’re doing
Your silence speaks loudly the path you’re pursuing
You can’t face the public nor your own supporters
But your name’s now recognized beyond our borders
What matters is not Arizonan’s welfare
Nor that of the nation, your logic laid bare
To Biden’s agenda you’ll blithely lay waste
Stonewalling reporters who question your place
It’s not the bill’s price tag, Joe Manchin’s objection,
It’s not the bill’s substance you’d change on reflection
It’s all about taxes on wealthy supporters
You’ve met with their lobbyist, following orders
This all is conjecture but to us makes sense
Nor do we claim proof, having not evidence
However, appearances cause us to wonder
Producing conjectures, the cloud that you’re under
It’s nine eleven, twenty years, a somber anniversary
We mourn three thousand killed that day and pray in solemn memory
For first responders who, with risk, brave searched for those who did survive
And for the families of the dead – whose memories keep them alive
Our people, north, south, east and west, united in their sense of grief
Transcending race, transcending creed, transcending red or blue beliefs
That’s rare to see this day and age. We are a country cleaved in two
Republicans and Democrats with separate truths, with separate views
As such I find it interesting that foreign terror on our shores
Caused such a sense of dread and fear; enough to launch a couple wars
While COVID-19 variants kill thirty hundred each two days
And people yawn; go on their way; in passing, “it’s too bad”, they say
A third the country’s hopping mad; they’re spoiling to put a fight
Against mandating masks to wear. It violates their freedom rights
And, too, against the COVID shots. “To hell with their community”
“The virus is a farce.”, they say, “Shots won’t produce immunity.”
But if a missile crossed the seas and landed down in Arkansas
With COVID viruses it filled the atmosphere both near and far
I’m sure the country would unite to fight the virus tooth and nail
They’d all don masks and get their shots. They’d win this war! They wouldn’t fail!
Vigilante States
“Don’t tread on me!” The Texans say
While stomping hard on women’s rights
They passed a law that takes away
Their right to choose; yes, Roe v. Wade
With consequences out of sight
Where vigilante hoards will roam
To spy on women in their homes
They’ll hack their Emails and their phones
Incentivized by their reward
Ten thousand bucks if they can prove
That anyone by deed or word
At any time four years removed
In any way did aid, abet
A woman to abortion get;
Ten thousand bucks the fine would be
The Court Supreme in dead of night
By shadow docket ruled against
A court injunction stopping hence
This law denying women’s rights
The Justices decided thus
Without debate; no hearings held
Although they knew it violates
The constitutionality
Of Roe v. Wade. Inaction in reality
Okayed the law so other states
Will copy it; not just abortion…
Other federal laws I’ll mention
Laws that frustrate their intentions
Laws that they have come to hate
Becoming vigilante states
It’s the beginning of the storm
It’s well past time for Court reform
A Colossal Disaster?
A colossal disaster the pundits all say
Our Afghan withdrawal these last several days
Chaotic confusion; a Biden black eye
His ratings have dropped; they’re no longer sky high
He did what he said he would do when he ran
He’d pull out our forces from Afghanistan
He made the mistake of believing our generals
The Afghani Army, turns out, was ephemeral
The Taliban forces were ready to trot
And captured the country not firing a shot
The airport at Kabul, escape’s only route
So thousands of Afghans jammed there to get out
Of course there was chaos; we had lost the war
Large thousands of Afghans were living in fear
For they had assisted our troops many ways
Now Taliban targets they’d be if they stayed
Joe Biden responded, accepting the blame
Creating an airlift that’s destined for fame
In twelve days transporting near one hundred thousand
To safety, a new life, a welcome new homeland
This isn’t quite over tonight as I write
But meeting his deadline is clearly in sight
By the end of the month, the withdrawal complete
If he does meet that goal it will be quite a fete
Joe Biden has shown that a leader he be
Admitting mistakes; “Yes, the buck stops with me.”
Responding to happenings there on the ground
Decisive, effective, he’s turned things around
A Letter to My Senator
I sent this to Senator Sinema
A Letter to My Senator
Dear Senator Sinema I’m proud of you
For the bipartisan bill that you shepherded through
Better roads, rails and bridges and rural broadband
But as you well know the House must take its stand
As I understand it, they’ll wait for the Senate
To pass Biden’s Family Plan; many things in it
From schooling to child care, and tax reconstruction
‘Twill have to be passed as a budget resolution
I hope and expect you’ll not stand in the way
Perhaps with some changes that you’d put in play
These two infrastructure bills will usher in
A booming economy; everyone wins
That is all well and good but I’m really concerned
About voting rights that with blood we have earned
The state legislatures are passing strict laws
Destroying democracy clearly because
Republicans desperately want to maintain
Political power. They know they can’t win
In free, fair elections. Their answer, no doubt’s
To usurp the voters where their votes won’t count
Senator Sinema surly you care
Without legislation that makes voting fair
The House will most likely in year twenty two
Return to Republicans, unfair but true
My home’s Arizona; I voted for you
As such there’s one thing I ask you to do
What ever it takes to be sure legislation
On voting rights passes protecting our nation
The Trump Mangled Manner
Oh say can you see
By the TV’s bright light
What so loudly is hailed
There on Fox News now streaming?
Whose big lies my mind jars
Almost every damn night
As transfixed there I watched
Like a nightmare I’m dreaming?
I see Trump in the glare
His eyes on me they stare
Though it’s late in the night
It’s enough to me scare
Oh say will Trump’s lies make democracy cave
Lest we wake and we act to democracy save