She’s Back

She’s back in the campaign again
Back where she’s gathering friends
Since the polls have drawn so close
It appears they’re nose to nose
But those numbers will not remain

She’s back making speeches once more
Telling what all she is for
And all the things she’s done
The improvements she has won
Forecasting all that’s in store

She’s back telling facts about Trump
All those untruths that he dumps
How unfit he is to lead
As our President; indeed
We welcome her back on the stump


We Choose a President

For better or for worse
In sickness and in health
As benefit or curse
Toward poverty or wealth

That’s what the future brings
Depending whom we choose
Devolving to these things
It’s joy or sing the blues

It’s Hillary or Trump
If you’ve yet made no choice
With spirits in the dump
Perk up. Let’s hear your voice

There’s nothing new to know
About the candidates
‘Till they go toe to toe
Soon at the great debates


A Tisket a Tasket

A tisket a tasket
I’m in the Trumple basket
Some label me deplorable
But I think I’m adorable
Tell that to all them blacks

At tisket a tasket
I’m also in his basket
Deplorable describes me not
And I ain’t prejudiced, not me
But Muslims kill, that’s fact

A tisket a tasket
If you ain’t in his basket
Then you’re the one deplorable
This country’s yet restorable
We’re going to take it back


Have You Wondered

Have you wondered in this context what is chosen to be NEWS
What reporters fasten onto in their TV cable casts
For example, dominating all the nightly caster’s views
Was that Clinton caught pneumonia. Commentators had a blast

Somewhat lost in all the hubbub was an offhand Trumple threat
To Iran he blithely said he’d shoot their boatmen in their boats
If these boatmen gestured grossly at our ship – they’d meet their death
This would start a major conflict, were he honest in his boast

But reporters showed no interest when they parsed the day’s events
All the air time went to Clinton, how her sickness day was spent


I Find IT Ironic

I find it ironic and clumsily comic
Our standards aren’t fixed, we concur
For rightly or wrongly they do differ strongly
Depending to whom they refer

That Hillary fumbled and pulled a true Trumple
Had all the reporters aghast
This once she just blew it and everyone knew it
She called Tumple’s followers trash

But all through this season without rhyme or reason
Trump foully referred to his foes
His followers cheered him; to them it endeared him
The Press answered: that’s how he goes

But one thing delights me; the Press called it rightly
To hold Clinton’s standard way up
She wronged Trump’s supporters, it’s clearly reported
By telling them they were like Trump


Trumple is Gaining

I watch every evening political news
As much as four hours, no matter the channel
It’s all about Trumple no matter how banal
And not about Hillary, giving her views

It doesn’t surprise me that Trumple is gaining
We see only Trump telling unchallenged lies
Each untruth sufficient to cause his demise
The sum overwhelming to pundits explaining

Trump’s daily reality show is succeeding
In smothering other political news
The press is disservicing those who must choose
Our next president based on Trumple’s deceiving


Back-to-Back Forum

Most of this poelitic was written shortly after the Commander in Chief forum took place.  However, I was on travel and unable to post it until now.

Here are my thoughts on the forum tonight
Matt Lauer’s presiding, I’m prone to deride
His bias for Trumple was clearly in sight
There’s more, but for now let me put that aside
And concentrate more on the candidate’s forum

I doubt if their followers altered their stance
Trump, in his macho mode stuck to his form
Of sidestepping questions with overblown rants
While Clinton, the wonk that on issues she is
Addressed every question with substance, not spin

So how will the Army and veterans respond
Will they favor macho and see it as strong
And stick to the mantra that Clinton lacks trust
Or will they conclude as Commander he’s wrong
And Hillary’s win in November’s a must


Topsy and Turvy

Several prominent Republicans have been broadcasting this message.  I co-opted it for this poelitic.  My next posting will be Friday night or Saturday.

This is one topsy and turvy election
Where Trumple engendered a new insurrection
The GOP needs to promote true resistance
Were Trumple to win, it could lose its existence

If you are Republican, loving your party
And if you are worried, you’d better get started
Campaigning for Hillary so to ensure
That your Grand Old Party quite long may endure


Back to Back They Faced Each Other

On Wednesday, September 7th at 8 PM, Eastern,  NBC and MSNBC will host a back-to-back forum featuring both candidates, the subject being “Commander in Chief”.  It recalled the famous hand-clapping ditty :  One bright day in the middle of the night / Two dead boys got up to fight / …  I don’t recall the name of the poet.  If you do, please send me a comment.

One bright day in the middle of the night
The candidates prepared to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Slinging insults at each other
Acting oh so presidential
Making statements insubstantial
Don’t believe these lies are true?
Ask a dumb man, he’ll tell you


The Taming of the Trump

Have we been seeing
The taming of Trump
Or is it the conning
Of non-aligned chumps

It’s all about voters
Whose minds aren’t made up
So muddy the waters
Their choice is too tough

They’re swayed to and fro
Which reflects in the polls
As the hype steeper grows
It’s exacting its toll

Trumple tame, Trumple con
Trumple is what he’s been
Clinton’s done some things wrong
But she’s not cheated men
