A Long, Dark Night


Trump’s entourage is coming into focus
It’s like magicians chanting hocus-pocus
Christy’s there and then he disappears
Others on Trump’s team may have those fears

Trump loyalty is his criterion
Above the candidate’s experience
Forget conflicts of interest; count, they shan’t
Then, too, they must be Donald sycophants

His right-hand man’s a rabid racist bigot
Sheer venom spews from Bannon like a spigot
And on Trump’s left, Lieutenant General Flynn
Who’s in cahoots with Putin; that’s the spin

Meanwhile, Republicans are pleased, it’s plain
Preparing to dismantle years of gain
But Democrats are coming out in mass
In order not to let those measures pass

A number of the actions Trump’s proposed
Would violate our Constitution’s prose
ACLU is gearing up to fight …
The next four years will be a long, dark night




“Give Trump a chance to be successful”
Aired among some Democrats
Their best intentions, I can guess,
Are: give him room to do his act
Which sounds appropriate, in fact,
But how does one define success?

Success for Trump would be most stressful
For minorities and others
Rather, where we disagree,
We must rally all together
Not let Donald have his druthers
That would be a tragedy

Two new words I learned, delightful
Wordsmith’s website on the net
Coulrophobia’s the first
‘Fear of clowns’, election’s curse
Trump’s a clown we won’t forget

The second word is most insightful
Pegging Trump’s transition team
It is kakistocracy
Bad for our democracy
Look it up. It’s apt, I deem


Trump, Day Five


This is Trump-day number five
Trump decisions underway
Making me feel hope deprived
‘Bout Trump’s choices made today

Meet Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon:
Reince, a light weight, seldom heeded
Steve’s a heavy, no loose cannon
Neither has experience needed

Bannon will be Trump’s adviser
Known for his strong alt-right views:
Immigration? a despiser
Ban the Muslims, hate the Jews

Priebus will be Chief of Staff
Of his insights, how things work,
Rience’s knowledge is a laugh!
Oh, the pitfalls, where they lurk

This may be our situation:
A know-nothing President
Governing this woeful nation
With a novice cabinet

Really, when Trump needs advice
Who’ll he turn to when he must?
Neither Bannon nor Reince Priebus
Just his kids does Donald trust

Electors Choose

Clinton was the people’s choice
By two million votes or more
Other democratic states
Choose among their candidates
By majorities in score
Time’s long past to raise our voice

Drafters of the Constitution
Worried that the votes be cast
Only by men qualified
Smart, informed and gentrified
Choosing from among the best
A President to lead the nation

Thus the College of Electors –
Purpose served, now out of date
It distorts one’s voting score
Montana’s votes are worth much more
Than those of California State
Electors / Population factor

Change is needed in due course
To the US Constitution
In the meantime, what to do?
There’s a movement that is new
Change-dot-org has a petition:
Electors choose the people’s choice!




Three nights running, demonstrations
By the thousands, Democrats
Peacefully throughout the nation
Giving vent to their frustrations
Trump did win. A sad, sad fact

Some might ask, what is the purpose
Next election’s years away
Demonstrating seems so useless
Does expose them to abuses
Whose opinion will it sway?

What they demonstrate to me
That Trump’s power must be stemmed
Not by our passivity
But by our activities
Now’s the time to be with them


American Twin Bubbles

Here in one of two twin Bubbles
We all think consistently
Suffering each other’s troubles
Finding strength in unity

We get our news
Filtered by views
Views of us all
Our loves, our hates
Childhood dictates
What we recall

Some of us live near the surface
Where the bubble’s Twin we see
But we close our eyes on purpose
Their’s are views we don’t agree

But bubbles burst
Seeming at first
But in the end
It will defend


What’s Next?


Two things: 1. My grandson, Michael, wrote an excellent rebuttal to my poelitic: Musings, which I have added to the Musings post.  You can read it by visiting this blog site and select the Musings post.  2. I recommend two recent articles: a poignant response to Trump’s win by Teacherken (Daily Kos), and by Garrison Keillor (also published in the Daily Kos)

In facing distasteful results, generally
We question: What’s next, what is yet to be done?
We’ve witnessed no real change in Trump since he’s won
And really unsettling problems we see

As we’ve noted earlier, Trump was allied
With Vladimir Putin who helped spawn this wreckage
Now Trump will be privy to CIA knowledge
Pertaining to Russia, our plans and our spies

A second concern deals with Trump’s sprawling empire
With holdings in Russia and elsewhere as well
All placed in a “blind” trust and managed, do tell,
By Donald’s own children. What wrong could transpire?

We’re deeply concerned to what Trump might resort
The actions he promised, our values ignored
We must demonstrate and use words as our swords
And in Congress to block ugly bills that report

However, Trump spoke to our middle-class mess
Wall Street and big money, the Glass-Steagall Act
And social security, keep it in tact
The high cost of college and drugs he’d address

He spoke infrastructure, of jobs at long last
And child care and trade deals, all there on his plate
Republicans mostly view these with distaste
They’ll need Dem. agreement in order to pass



My grandson, Michael, a deep thinker and poet among many other talents, wrote an excellent rebuttal to Musings, which I’ve added here below my poem.

I’ve read the post mortems and recriminations
The what-ifs and if-only’s, where’d we go wrong
Our blindness encompassed near half of the nation
Whose vote for the Trump was emotionally strong

Some voted for Trump ’cause he’s white and he’s male
To be governed by black or female was too much
His language, their language, his nature they hail
This time they WILL vote, make a difference as such

Sure, working-class people felt left out, unheard
They feel that the Democrats think of them last
But under those feelings without forming words
Anxiety dwells; things are changing too fast

We humans are culturally slow making changes
It’s part of our heritage, thousands of years
Technology’s pace keeps our lives rearranging
The future to many is something to fear

Technology’s fostering globalization
Allowing outsourcing of jobs overseas
Robotics replacing jobs throughout the nation
Just turn the clock back, turn it back please, please, please!

So how will the Democrats handle such sorrow
To bring disaffected back into the tent
And help them prepare for the jobs of tomorrow
So that they’ll help elect the next Dem. President


Musings Rebuttal
Michael J Cohen

Respectfully I read your words
Your own post-mortem of the day
Opinion second does it need
Our shell-shocked body politic

Your explanation is too grand.
For decades now, old factories
And with them jobs moved o’erseas
Those transformations aren’t new
They’ve happened since the seventies

Moreover we respond to change
Not just one way but with a range
Why some adapt while others fail
Revolt, or feel as though passed by?
Our natures not essentially
Conservative, reaction’ry.

And women’s rights, too, isn’t new
A struggle long, I do agree
This battle ‘gainst misogyny
Besides while many women stood, with Hillary,
Trump had support from women too

So this election’s something else.
The narrative is other than
“Revenge against Technology”
This Brave New World’s been with us now
For well over a century

He spoke to folks that felt left out
Their lives he viscerally recognized
In ways that other politicians
Hadn’t fully realized

Somehow this playboy billionaire
Became their uncouth Common Man –
A vessel for their aspiration
Promising the restoration
Of a misremembered nation
Purged of Others, save their own

A demagogue – who knew no bounds
Whose manic noxious exhalations
Reeked to me of bigotry
And mockery
And puerile lies

I weep to see the land I love
It’s people too, although it’s hard
Give half its vote, and be deceived
While half the country feels bereaved

We now who did not vote for him
As though their ballots cast us out
We feel that we were left behind.
Bucked from the horse we thought we rode
To destiny, deferred…

Brave New World


My projections were wrong
Donald’s rural support was too strong
‘Though Democrats turned out in force
Their strength did not alter the course

The establishment lost
Hard to say just how much this will cost
Both abroad and the states
New uncertainty cast in their fates

Disappointed are we
But worst situations we’ve seen
And our country’s survived
Time of interest to be alive


Election Eve


“Que sera’ sera’
Whatever will be will be
The future’s not ours to see
Que sera’ sera’ ”

What I see, I see
The polls point to victory
That President Hillary
Is high probability

Donald did his best
With lies to engender fear
Spewing hatred to far and near
Almost winning this final test

Let’s now look beyond
Beyond the election night
Beyond the election fights
To strengthening fragile bonds

One nation are we
We’re open and tolerant
Warm welcoming immigrants
With full opportunities

We are rich, we’re poor
And everything in between
We’re each worthy human beings
Equality we stand for

When tyrants arrive
Touching people dissatisfied
Claiming answers with nought inside
We’ve shown they can’t long survive

What I see, I see
Our elections are free-for-alls
Candidates’ fortunes rise and fall
That’s the strength of democracy
