I am the author of news that is fake
I do it deliberately, make no mistake
I write to support the Republican cause
To Hell with democracy; damned be the laws
Within social media I like to post
With pundits on Fox News my lies carry most
My purpose is simple, to push Trump ahead
He’s my candidate, never mind what he’s said
He’ll govern like Putin; a man I admire
A strong man and tough, what this nation requires
You’ll find me on every news outlet that’s red
You’ll hear different names but it’s me there instead
I actually almost believe what I say
Fake news is the future; it’s now here to stay
Author: Sabba Rabba
Trumple Acolytes
In the course of time abounding
Bad the news around, resounding
Trumple this and Trumple that
Trumple donned his MAGA hat
With all his acolytes surrounding
‘Twas once the Grand Old Party bold
Thoughts not allowed now; do as told
Ignore the truth. Ignore the facts
Ignore the courts and their attacks
Or else you’ll end out in the cold
Trumple fined near half a billion
You must pay, he told his minions
You’re my golden patriots
Though I know you’re idiots
You’ll never know my real opinion
Just keep on lauding me and paying
‘Till I’m in the White House staying
Worry not how outcomes look
I will get in by hook or crook
You listen up to what I’m saying
I’m a MAGA Republican that’s who I am
And I’m damn proud to be one; I don’t give a damn
If you’re black, brown or otherwise you don’t belong
This country’s white Christian, t’was meant all along
And Trump? He’s our leader; we do his least whim
He’s strong just like Putin; no messing with him
I’m a member of Congress, the red side, of course,
I follow Trump’s dictates, there’s no other choice
We tried some impeachings, but they didn’t pass
Our Speaker behaves like his head’s up his rear
We can’t pass a budget, we can’t all agree
To Hell with Ukraine and with Israel, you’ll see
I am here in the Senate; I’m far to the right
We worked hard, bipartisan, many nights,
The Dems gave near all that we asked to include
The border, Ukraine and for Israel, to boot
But Trump gave thumbs down; don’t give Biden a win
That tells you the state that our Senate is in
What, then, are Republican priorities?
It’s Trump, then it’s Putin, last, Country it seems
More Than Concerned
I’m more than concerned by the way things are moving
Republicans still are quagmired in delusion
Young Democrats not lining up behind Biden
On seeing the news they behave as though blinded
With contrast so stark between their candidates
It should be a no-brainer what choice they should make
Don Trump, having been served quadruple indictments
Related to fraud and obstruction incitement’s
Compared to Joe Biden, who, these last three years,
Has done more for us and this world, fraught with fears,
Than presidents prior since Roosevelt’s time
It just doesn’t reason. It just doesn’t rhyme
We know, should Trump win, or get in using force,
He would unleash his vengeance, no care, no remorse
He would be a dictator who’ll seek retribution
Whereby his past enemies face persecution
What, then, should we do? I mean me. I mean you
It’s not time for reluctance; fear friends you might lose
Talk to friends; talk to family. Join Vote Forward. Volunteer
Make this high priority of things you hold dear
If you’re of a mind to help broadcast the word
Feel free, then, to forward this. You have my word
Year Two-Oh-Two-Four
Year two-oh-two-four really what will you be?
A year of good cheer and of world harmony?
A year of advancement in civilization
With climate change-measures throughout every nation?
Alas, what I’m visioning won’t come to pass
Not this year nor next year nor years hence, alas
Our nation’s in turmoil, political mess
Just how things will turn out is anyone’s guess
Will our bold democracy, where we are free
And justice is just, still continue to be?
Or will Trump prevail bidding for leadership
And do as he’s said, form a dictatorship
So two-four and twenty it’s all in your hands
We aware can become or keep heads in the sand
We can vote to maintain what’s been our way of life
Or allow Trump to win, with the ensuing strife
Section Three
The fourteenth amendment, of it section three
Might keep Trump from running for Prexy again
Since he swore an oath pledging his loyalty
To our Constitution, but broken since then
In a real insurrection was Trump thus engaged?
Yes he did; yes he was
In a violent rebellion did Trump play a role?
Yes he did; yes he has
Then amendment fourteen , plainly in section three
It’s implied Trump as Prexy can no longer be
That conclusion was reached by the state’s Court Supreme
Of the state, Colorado, momentous it seems
Now ‘twill go to highest of courts in our land
To decide constitutionally where they stand
I see this as a test whether this court can side
With applying the law, politics put aside
- Liz
Liz Cheney, Republican, far to the right
Her view-points political way out of sight
On most every issue substantial we face
Her stated positions I just can’t embrace
However, her feelings concerning D. Trump,
Who’s hell bent for President out on the stump,
That under no circumstance should he get in
Which Trump full intends whether looses or wins
Her book, Oath and Honor, came out recently
It details how Congressmen, all GOP,
Abetted Trump’s efforts to stay, though he lost
And recounts the damage, the spectrum of costs
Her writing is frank, punches she doesn’t pull
Her insights are deep, she is nobody’s fool
Her goal in this writing’s to wake up the nation
That Trump as lead candidate’s no aberration
That if he’s elected, democracy dies
He’ll be a dictator, which he’ll not disguise
He as our President’s truly unfit
Her book says it all, I learned much reading it
Democrats, Wake Up
Yes, IT can happen here, it can!
Yes, yes a full dictatorship
With people jailed for disagreeing
People killed for demonstrating
Jews and blacks dismissed from government
The military wielded by the President
Against all movements counter to his actions
Those who oppose him, he considers vermin
He’d be the great exterminator
All this and more as President, does Trump intend
It’s what he has announced
And, yes, yes, he intends to be
Next President no matter what
No matter whether win or lose
A year from now. It will be close
The way it looks, he could well win
But if he doesn’t, he’ll still try
To gain it by some other means
With MAGA sycophants in full support
So wake up democrats, attention pay!
We can’t let Trump see victory that day!
Bibi, Bye Bye
Now Natanyahu’s got to go
In case you didn’t, now you know
That PM Bibi is the worst
Since great Ben-Gurion, PM first
So, why, then, do I say all this?
I’ll tell you why. I’ll make a list.
One – you know he was indicted
Bribes and fraud were what was cited
Two – is Bibi’s coalition
Too far right is their position
Three – their vote to nullify
Court independence, justice dies
It met with massive demonstrations
leaving a divided nation
Four – is Bibi’s full disdain
For independent Palestine
Ensuring that they’d never gain,
He gave the Hamas full, free reign
And Five – perhaps the reason most
Egregious of the ones I post
That he allowed security
Of Israel so lax to be
That Hamas could invade, run free
Whole squads of murderers they sent
To kill and torture citizens
Twelve hundred plus now in their graves
Two forty captured to their caves
A never ending war in sight
The Gazan death toll out of sight
Israeli soldiers, hundreds killed
And Gazan streets with rubble filled
All these plus more, Israeli’s know
That Natanyahu’s got to go!
Cease Fire?
The hue and cry heard ‘round the world
Is stop the bombing! Cease your fire!
That Israel need heed these words
What human decency requires
The lives of innocents are snuffed
Both young and old a thousand fold
Supplies, they cannot get enough
They’re hurt and starving, truth be told
Let’s say that Israel agrees –
Cease Fire – Hamas agrees as well
And money pours from over seas
To rebuild Gaza, time will tell
Hamas’s tunnels would remain
And all their infrastructure too
Hamas, its strength it would regain
Be ready so that they could do
What they have done each time before
They violate the cease-fire pact
And fire missiles by the score
Provoking Israel to act
But this last time it was much worse
They breached the Gaza border fence
I can’t relate within my verse
Atrocities committed thence
It’s idiots who do repeat
What hasn’t worked before for them
Again to witness their defeat
And never figure what’s to blame
A cease-fire really will not work
When squarely dealing with Hamas
We know they’ll never keep their word
More missiles they would then amass
So where’s the hue and where’s the cry
Against Hamas, the terrorists
Who’s caused the Gazans thus to die
Who, of their deaths, could not care less
It’s they who could make this war end
Give back the hostages they stole
“That they want peace”; that message send
“Kill Israel!” Give up that goal!