A Week That Was

So mark this week your calendar
The many firsts that happened there
The country’s moved to places new
Occurred, it seems, out of the blue

The stunning Kansas pro-choice vote
The senate passed a bill of note
The massive inflation-reduction act
All Democrats, amazing fact!

The FBI made history
Trump’s Mar-a-Lago sanctuary
Raided, searched, found and retrieved
Stuff classified, it is believed

Each happening in of itself
A worthy narrative to tell
But happening together says
It truly is a week that was


Kari Lake

Ms. Kari Lake
The Reps. Mistake
She swears that Biden is a fake
A pretty face
Big lie embrace
For governor she’ll run the race
In Arizona, my great state
Among the Dems. there’s no debate
Should Kari win, real bad our fate


Macho Josh

Josh Hawley, Josh Hawley so macho, so bold
You cheered the mob MAGA; as part of their fold
Accepting electors, you chose to vote no;
To void votes of millions all cast for Trump’s foe

As young junior senator you’d make your name
By being an anarchist you’d build your fame
You egged on Trump’s mob as you held high your fist
When they stormed the Capitol January sixth

And storm it they did overcoming police
They smashed their way in as the violence increased
They searched for the Speaker; they searched for Mike Pence
To murder Pelosi and lynch the Vice Pres.

While back at the White House Trump watched on TV
His patriot rioters filled him with glee
They’re doing just what he had ordered them to
Disrupting the vote count that Congress must do

The Capital Police led the Congressmen out
To places of safety but there’s little doubt
The timing was close, just ahead of the mob
Including Mike Pence, a superlative job

The one-six committee showed video clips
Of much of these happenings, comments and quips
And there was Josh Hawley, who thought he’d be spared,
Fast running the hallway; he clearly was scared


On The Line

The Grand Old Party’s not so grand
Abandoned, they, democracy
Where e’er they’ve power in this land
They’ve claimed this latest idiocy

“This President, by name Joe Biden,
He’s just an Acting President
He stole it outright we’re confiding
Falsely there in residence”

“We, in this State don’t recognize
Nor owe allegiance to this man
So don’t give in or compromise
Else you just aren’t Republican”

We Democrats a choice have we
And, too, you true Republicans
To vote to save democracy
No issue matters greater than

Red, purple states all up and down
Where candidates espouse these lies
Don’t vote them in; do vote them out
Democracy is on the line

July The Fourth

July the fourth is here, hooray
Parades and fireworks displays
And speeches all throughout the day
King George no longer rules our land

Our Independence lets us be
A nation, a democracy
Full rights for all ethnicities
All people equal in this land

But that is not what’s happening
Those conned by an extreme right wing
Had put in power a would-be king
Forever Trump would rule the land

Trump and McConnell stacked the Court
With justices who’d Rights abort
And leave to states this mess to sort
With fifty state-laws of the land

No longer the United States
Now 50 independent states
Where Rights are different, state to state
The Divided States, this once great land


No Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade is now no more
The Court Supreme has struck it down
This doesn’t end; there’s more in store
An all states ban is next around

The rationale, I don’t believe,
Is simply saving unborn lives
Republicans by this achieve
The subjugation of all wives

As citizens of second class
Whose freedom has been ripped away
Whom vigilantes may harass
On privacy they’ll have no say

No longer credible, the Court
The justices Republican’s
Intent was clear right from the start
Defying most Americans

What can be done? You well may ask
The answer’s getting out the vote
It must be our most urgent task
It really is our only hope


Memorial Day, 2022

I’m not a hero, though I’m dead
I’m not what politicians say
To justify that I’m this way
When speaching on Memorial Day
“We thank our heroes; bow our heads”

I didn’t join to cause his end
That day he was my enemy
To look upon with enmity
I must shoot him or he’ll shoot me
Who otherwise might be my friend

We’re here because our politicians
Representing our great nations
Couldn’t solve some situation
Compromise in arbitration
We’re data now for statisticians

But I’m remembered by a few
My Mom, my Dad, they still are sad
The wife and child I might have had
The morning sun that made me glad
My would-be friend feels that way too



Who vote for senators
Who vote for congressmen
That don’t support fair gun laws
Have the blood of children
Have the blood of worshippers
Have the blood of shoppers
Have the blood of all the innocent
Victims of gun violence
On your hands

Yes you!


Yes They Will

Jews will not replace us
Yes they will
Blacks will not replace us
Yes they will
Latinos will not replace us
Yes they will
Gays will not replace us
Yes they will

White supremests can shout their hate
White supremests can run for office
White supremests can massacre

But in the long run
They won’t win
As long as ALL the rest of us do


Dear Moms

Dear moms of our Democracy
I do salute you every one
Who made the choice to bear a child
Or not when felt necessity
But soon that choice in privacy
Will be no more, no more for you
And, too, for multi-millions more
This is the last free Mother’s Day
If SCOTUS acts on what they say
We need to legislate your rights
And rights of all Americans

So tell your friends and family members
Vote Democratic this November
