Our Way To Win

Our Way To Win

The hallmarks of Trump’s starting days
As President, his second term,
That I deem reprehensible the most
His “Orders” termed “Executive “ his means

Of them one stands out

The shutting down of USAID
Trump’s worst decision ever made
Around the world children by the thousands
Will of hunger and disease

Be dying or be dead
And all because of Trump

The second worst is hard to say
The deportation fear of immigrants
The pardoning of convicts by the thousand
And firing the thousand Agents who convicted them

Those of the FBI, their families too,
Now targeted by the ones whom they convicted

So what is one to do to counter Trump?
It’s protest, protest, protest every way you can
Call senators and congressman no matter what persuasion
Don’t be afraid to demonstrate; this is the right occasion

Just keep it up and don’t give in
It is our way to win


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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