What Say You?

What Say You?

What say you to your teenage son
Who, in his civics class at school,
Is learning of our President
And of the damage he has done

The President – he’s a fool?

Our values since our nation’s birth
Of liberty, of excellence, of law,
Are being cast aside
By one who’s governed by his pride

Complete control – that is his goal

Our grand and great grandsons arrived
To spend with us couple days
Both beautiful, each in his way
The baby is just one year old

He is all boy – and such a joy

What future lies ahead for him?
What teachings will he get in school?
‘Twill be a dictatorial theme?
An Oligarchy, it would seem

It must not be – but thaI see


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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