Calling My Congressmen

Hello there my Senator; Hi, too, my Rep.
I’m calling, not writing, so please pay attention
You must know a coup’s under way – starting steps,
By one, Elon Musk, super rich, need I mention

He has no position of formal authority
He’s not been elected, just simply appointed
By President Trump sans a formal majority
Who’s acting like King; ‘though he’s not been anointed

You know that your power is being usurped
Donald Trump says to fire all FBI agents
Then Musk makes it happen; you’re left in the lurch
Watching Musk who’s. determined to take over government

Is this why you ran for the office you hold?
Is this what your voters of you had expected?
It’s time to take action; it’s time to be bold
To take back the power you got when elected

I challenge you, Senator; challenge you Rep
To hold town-hall meetings to hear our concerns
Then go after Musk/Trump, our challenges met
And save our democracy. Act now! Your turn!


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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