First Day Rhyme and Reason

Today Pres. Trump revealed his wisdom
His first first day as President
He pardoned those convicted of
Attacking cops protecting him

He called them heroes, patriots
While undermining justice, law
This after swearing to uphold
The Constitution, law of land

They will become his private army
Answering to only him
Above the law; to foment fear
In those who would oppose the Trump
Our now and would-be king

In Trump we’ll see democracy’s demise
Already on day one first blows he’s struck
As President, Trump can do anything
The Court ensured that he cannot be touched

Its my intention, lines that are un-rhymed
To mimic Trump’s regime these next four years
But there’ll reason in what e’er he does
To grow in wealth and keep his power strong


Author: Sabba Rabba

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