‘Twas The Eve of Elections

‘Twas the eve of elections when all through the land
All the pundits were telling just where the race stands
I in my PJs, my wife in her smock
Were glued to the TV to see what’s in stock
When all of the sudden there came a loud shout
On TV, when Kamala Harris came out
And there by my widening eyes she appeared
With a message of hope, not a message of fear
She asked for my vote and for your vote bar none
She pledged to be President for everyone
She closed with her now famous cheer-leading line
That it’s time now to fight, and, when we fight, WE WIN!


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

One thought on “‘Twas The Eve of Elections”

  1. This uplifting poem inspires hope in me. Let’s all hope and pray your words find their mark and we have the win this country so desperately needs.

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