
You know toward people, I’m not one that hates
I may hate what they do and what they cause
Nor do I call them evil; but of late
I’ve come to learn that evil is as evil does

A half a dozen years I’ve witnessed Trump
His unconcern for those who hear the lies
He spoke as President and on the stump
The lies that caused some acolytes to die

But as he’s grown more feeble, body, brain
His lies have turned more vicious, more pronounced
Exacerbating misery from hurricanes
By denigrating FEMA’s strong response

Deliberately, he’s sown misinformation
Where imminent disaster people faced
Thus, causing wrong decisions, true damnation
With life and death in balance, left to fate

Trump’s willingness to disregard his lies’ effects
‘Though they endanger millions’ lives as well
They’ll gain him in November, he expects –
To label him as evil, I’m compelled


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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