Game Changing

“You’ve always been for us, it’s been your voice”
Those words I wrote two weeks ago; I wasn’t wrong
Pres. Biden chose to step aside and named his choice
Of V.P. Harris, Kamala, Pres. candidate to carry on

The Democratic Party and its voters rallied ‘round
And raised hundred million campaign dollars yet so far
State delegates have pledged to vote for her, enough, she’s bound
To be Presumptive Candidate, the Dem’s young, rising star

This was all orchestrated mostly by the President
Relinquishing his being the most powerful on Earth
And ending fifty years of public service; time he’s spent
For us, improving lives and always putting country first

In designating Harris the successor he preferred
Historically a first, it smoothed a difficult transition
And Harris took the campaign’s reins with truly heartfelt words
For Biden and their campaign staff, who’ll stay in their positions

New life and new excitement for the Democrats tonight
The speech, tonight, that Harris gave the campaign’s personnel
With Biden also phoning in, portends a future bright
Democracy is going to win. It’s what my gut foretells


Dear Joe

We all love Joe, the job he’s done, the mensch he is
We’d love to have the man we’ve known (‘twould be our goal)
As president. But Joe no longer is that man. True ‘tis
His eighty years and two have clearly taken toll

It’s hard and hard to try to do once things you did
With nary giving them a second thought
I know. I’m ninety one. Gaffes can’t be hid
As though they didn’t happen, when they’re caught

Joe, truthfully, it’s really not an easy choice
What’s best for all of us, you must decide
You’ve always put us first. It’s been your voice
The goal of beating Trump can’t be denied

The choice of staying in or bowing out
It’s up to you and only up to you
We’ll follow your decision, there’s no doubt
The nation’s future’s in your hands, it’s true 


One July, 2024

On one July two oh two four
A date to mark with infamy
When Court Supreme, its role ignored,
So scuttled our democracy

Our Constitution’s founding rule
That no one is above the law
The Court that now is Don Trump’s tool
Has abrogated it as flawed

The President has power now
As he damn pleases; on a whim
To break the law; no way, no how
Can Justice lay a glove on him

So bid adieu our Constitution
Bid adieu democracy
The Courts now rule our institutions
We’re a full autocracy


King Biden

According to the Court Extreme
Joe Biden now you are the King
Make what you do official seem
Then you could do most anything

Like execute your rival, Trump
Need not be surreptitiously
You know he really is a chump
A but pain, I mean seriously

You can get wealthy taking bribes
For pardons issued, convicts freed
You can imprison one for life
Quite independent of his deeds

All hale Joe Biden, our now king
Long should he live, at least four years
His praises many, we all sing
We sing while shedding giant tears
