Trump Bubble

Within the Trump bubble, what’s going on now?
He challenged Joe Biden, “Get mentally examined!”
But then his own doctors he mixed up somehow
Each day it’s apparent he’s mentally challenged

But that doesn’t matter to those in his bubble
Top G.O.P. leaders, the Senate, the House
Where once they denounced him as nothing but trouble
They now all embrace him; their ticket to power

These G.O.P. leaders, all true hypocrites
To maintain their power there’s naught they won’t do
If it means electing someone who’s unfit,
A felon, a rapist, misogynist too,

A liar, a cheater, who stoked armed rebellion,
Who says to embrace him you must buy his lies
And do what he tells you, no matter the outcome
And those who oppose him politically die

“Accepting all that to stay in? Count me in!
Unless I’m in Office, I’ve nothing to do
My stupid constituents vote me to win
And then I ignore them when Trump tells me to”

Let’s work toward the day that the Trump bubble bursts
When voters Republican vote people in
Who know how to govern; who’ll put people first
We’ll then have democracy; everyone wins


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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