Thirty Four

Trump was convicted on thirty four counts
Thirty four times now a felon he is
A GOP campaign of terror they mount
Against all who helped to bring those verdicts in

Their families and they many threats have received
Death threats and verbal abuse; no one spared
Their purpose to hamstring the courts, I believe
Where future court jurors won’t join; they’ll be scared

Meanwhile in Congress Republicans claim
That our juris prudence has taken a fall
Trump’s trial was rigged and Joe Biden’s to blame
But no cited proof, empty verbiage that’s all

Trump is a felon, a rapist is he
Misogynist, racist; he’s mentally impaired
A full fledged dictator he intends to be
With vengeance toward enemies; poorly they’ll fare

This is the man whom the GOP wants
To lead us as well as the rest of the Earth
Who’d rule us by fiats and merciless daunts
We can’t let this happen, for all that that’s worth


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

2 thoughts on “Thirty Four”

  1. So well said! Unfortunately : sad, but true…
    Reagan was called the “Teflon” president. I greatly fear that we have a new holder of that title: that until after all appeals are filed-which I’m sure they will be- he will again have all slide off his back and he will be the new Teflon president.

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