
Judge Aileen Cannon, way to go!
You’ll make it happen, we all know
Putting off the trial date
Indefinitely. How great!
This way when Trump becomes the pres.
And “I’m retiring”, Thomas says
You’ll be there ready then to be
Appointed to the Court Supreme

Her tactics, typical they are
Of fascist states distorting law
Where justice is an empty word
And freedom’s call can not be heard
Her selfish act to keep Trump free
Helps undermine democracy
It’s not alone in recent news
There’s much, much more; it is my view

Egregious, though, perhaps the most
Is what the RNC now boasts
To be a true Republican
One must espouse that Trump had won
In twenty twenty and should be
Our current president, you see
Thus leaders of the RNC
Won’t buy a Biden victory

The question raised by these events:
How then to choose a president?


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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