More Than Concerned

I’m more than concerned by the way things are moving
Republicans still are quagmired in delusion
Young Democrats not lining up behind Biden
On seeing the news they behave as though blinded

With contrast so stark between their candidates
It should be a no-brainer what choice they should make
Don Trump, having been served quadruple indictments
Related to fraud and obstruction incitement’s

Compared to Joe Biden, who, these last three years,
Has done more for us and this world, fraught with fears,
Than presidents prior since Roosevelt’s time
It just doesn’t reason. It just doesn’t rhyme

We know, should Trump win, or get in using force,
He would unleash his vengeance, no care, no remorse
He would be a dictator who’ll seek retribution
Whereby his past enemies face persecution

What, then, should we do? I mean me. I mean you
It’s not time for reluctance; fear friends you might lose
Talk to friends; talk to family. Join Vote Forward. Volunteer
Make this high priority of things you hold dear

If you’re of a mind to help broadcast the word
Feel free, then, to forward this. You have my word
