Year Two-Oh-Two-Four

Year two-oh-two-four really what will you be?
A year of good cheer and of world harmony?
A year of advancement in civilization
With climate change-measures throughout every nation?
Alas, what I’m visioning won’t come to pass
Not this year nor next year nor years hence, alas
Our nation’s in turmoil, political mess
Just how things will turn out is anyone’s guess
Will our bold democracy, where we are free
And justice is just, still continue to be?
Or will Trump prevail bidding for leadership
And do as he’s said, form a dictatorship
So two-four and twenty it’s all in your hands
We aware can become or keep heads in the sand
We can vote to maintain what’s been our way of life
Or allow Trump to win, with the ensuing strife


Section Three

The fourteenth amendment, of it section three
Might keep Trump from running for Prexy again
Since he swore an oath pledging his loyalty
To our Constitution, but broken since then

In a real insurrection was Trump thus engaged?
Yes he did; yes he was
In a violent rebellion did Trump play a role?
Yes he did; yes he has
Then amendment fourteen , plainly in section three
It’s implied Trump as Prexy can no longer be

That conclusion was reached by the state’s Court Supreme
Of the state, Colorado, momentous it seems
Now ‘twill go to highest of courts in our land
To decide constitutionally where they stand

I see this as a test whether this court can side
With applying the law, politics put aside



  • Liz

    Liz Cheney, Republican, far to the right
    Her view-points political way out of sight
    On most every issue substantial we face
    Her stated positions I just can’t embrace

    However, her feelings concerning D. Trump,
    Who’s hell bent for President out on the stump,
    That under no circumstance should he get in
    Which Trump full intends whether looses or wins

    Her book, Oath and Honor, came out recently
    It details how Congressmen, all GOP,
    Abetted Trump’s efforts to stay, though he lost
    And recounts the damage, the spectrum of costs

    Her writing is frank, punches she doesn’t pull
    Her insights are deep, she is nobody’s fool
    Her goal in this writing’s to wake up the nation
    That Trump as lead candidate’s no aberration

    That if he’s elected, democracy dies
    He’ll be a dictator, which he’ll not disguise
    He as our President’s truly unfit
    Her book says it all, I learned much reading it
