Breaking News

You say in ten days that our gov will shut down
That Speaker McCarthy has boxed himself tight
His antics so frantic portrays him a clown
If that’s your reporting, I’d say you are right

A handful of lunatics, right-wing extremists
Placed by constituents who buy their spiel
Ride rough shod o’er Kevin, who is a defeatist
And blatantly push unacceptable deals

But even those deals House Republicans shun
Which leaves poor McCarthy with no place to turn
Sans votes for a CR no time, nothing done
Republicans fiddle while government burns

If I were McCarthy, what, now, would I do?
I’d stop the impeachment probe aimed at Pres. Joe
It bought Kevin nothing from my point of view
And angered the Democrats whom he needs so

Then call on the Dems; form a joint coalition
To pass the CR to avoid a shutdown
And dare any Rep to attack his position
Since none want his job; they would all turn it down

The job of a Speaker is not referee
‘Tween squabbling factions, contentions crosswise
It’s to provide leadership, bring them to see
The way to move forward is through compromise
