Just look at Trump’s mug shot and what do you think?
Of bursting blood vessels, he looks on the brink
Some say that he’s angry, ‘though truthful impaired
While some claim it’s evident he’s shitless scared
Will this be the first of a mug gallery
Of future such prexies indicted as he?
Has Trump’s deep corruption set new precedent
For future corruption by new presidents?
Whatever Trump’s fate as the future unfolds
His mug shot will be there; the Trump saga told
And on through the ages and all ‘cross the Earth
‘Twill be a reminder that Trump was there first.
Some say he looks defiant for the benefit of his Maga-ites.I say he’sTRYING to look that way, but agree that deep down, he’s “ shitless scared”.
Actually, I think that the mug shot looks very staged.