Hey, it’s not the gun’s fault the trigger was pulled
Or the fact that the bullets killed kids at that school
The culprit’s the shooter, why blame it on guns?
It’s a bad people problem when all’s said and done
The fact that the gun was a weapon of war –
Matters not what the weapon was really meant for
Could have been a bazooka – destroy the whole school
But selling bazookas, now that might be cruel
So tell me the difference; both are for war fighting
To own a bazooka would be quite exciting
You could be the first to own one in your crowd
Really build self esteem; make you feel strong and proud
Over three-fifty million guns in people’s homes
One sixty mass shootings just this year alone
Eleven thousand five hundred this year thus have died
All ages all places – there’s no place to hide
So tell me: sans AR-15s and the like
How many school children might still be alive?
And what were their lives worth; what value you’d say?
The price of an AR-15 on eBay
This is so powerful. Why can’t the people who make the decisions about gun-control see the logic in this? Maybe it will end when one of their children is the target of a shooter….?
Right on the money: and oh so sad.