Fox Lying-News

Instructive it is about Fox Lying -News
They cater to followers pushing false views
On all things political stoking Dem. fears
And telling Trump diehards what they want to hear

Because of Dominion who filed legal suit
Against Fox with evidence they can’t refute
We know Tucker knowingly broadcast sheer lies
And Rupert permitted them, lies in disguise

This raises deep questions about cable news
The Second Amendment says say what you choose
The truth doesn’t matter; that free speech prevails
Except where illegal type acts are entailed

The fact of Fox fibbing is well known throughout
But not by Fox viewers; they harbor no doubts
That anything broadcast by Fox must be true
And Fox is the only news channel they view

Though almost a third of adult population,
These MAGA Republicans throughout the nation
Have managed to capture red-state legislatures
And caused them legislate counter to nature

So, what can be done about Fox, what solution
That punishes but meets with our Constitution?
For one thing, Dominion, on winning in court,
Could force Fox to truth tell, a public report

In prime time on Fox News admitting their lies
Although MAGA viewers, such news, they won’t buy
With Trump as their savior,they surely won’t part
Be that as it may it would be a good start


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

2 thoughts on “Fox Lying-News”

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this poem for its amazing use of language, rhythm, & rhyme and its brutal observations of Fox News. It does leave me with a modicum of hope…

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