Clear and Present Danger

A pyrrhic victory McCarthy won
Took fifteen rounds once voting had begun
And, yes, he gave his power all away
Behoved to extremists come what may

Not just emasculate his Speakership
Commitments made he secretly, to wit
Concerning funding government and debts
Such bills up for a vote, he would not let

The ceiling on our debt will soon be reached
Just days away, although funds can be stretched
‘Till early June, Sec. Treas. J. Yellon said
Beyond then U.S. credit will be dead

And interest will soar, employment dive
Financial pain and hardship to survive
A worldwide deep recession and much more
Inflation like we’ve rarely seen before

The Dems. with some Republicans on board
Can try to out flank Kevin and his horde
Discharging a petition so a bill
Can reach the floor for voting, if they will

McCarthy and extreme Republicans
Are not just plain and simple charlatans
A clear and present danger, that they be
To all of us and to democracy


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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