I’m reading carefully a book by David Corn
“American Psychosis” which reveals in depth
Historic reasons why our country’s torn
And why democracy for us may meet its death
All through our history since our nation’s founding
Trumped up conspiracies did flourish throughout
Fomenting hatred, fear, words racist sounding
Pro white supremacy it was about
A universal theme of Corn’s vast tome:
A segment consequential of society
Resides in fear and ignorance, their home
The fertile home for false conspiracies
They’re taught to fear the communist, the Jew,
The immigrant of non-Caucasian roots
And politicians claim to share their views
Pretenses false so as to get their votes
Societies and prophets came and went
Illuminati, Birch and KKK
McCarthyism, Bolsheviks, now spent
But followers in ignorance still stay
The latest prophet false to woo this crowd
Is Donald Trump. His crowd wears MAGA hats
And now Trump has non-MAGA Reps. all cowed
Like those before, the MAGA votes, is where it’s at