
Democracy will surely die
If we just stand there idly by

If we just do our every day
Democracy will slip away

This time, to vote is not enough
Get others out, although it’s tough

Go volunteer. Go door to door
This year it’s not like years before

Don’t let them win who buy the lie
Democracy will surely die

Imperative this time to act
Once gone, it’s hard to bring it back


Dick & Jane, The Voters

Quite interesting isn’t it
That shortfalls in the money purse
Are blamed by most on Democrats
‘Though that’s not where the problem’s at
What even makes these matters worse
No easy path to fixing it

Inflation’s due to many things
The great pandemic, Ukraine’s war,
Producers gouging merrily,
The spending spree by you and me
Supply-Demand, the way things are
More misery to folks it brings

Empowering Republicans
By voting for them this November
Will really only make things worse
They can’t inflation’s course reverse
But they’ll democracy dismember
And take the reigns with racist hands

So why are Dick and Jane, the voters
Voting Rep., not Dem. that day?
Their brains are wet, all bathed in lies
Their truths are falsehoods in disguise
They vote to take their rights away
So polls appear, say all their quoters


Did You Know?

Some numbers you might find of interest
Did you know five hundred fifty two
Are running for elected office
And of that number one nine nine
The last election they deny
That Biden won. Oh dear! Oh my!
‘Though all the votes were counted fine
Recounted often many times
Imagine what these folks will do
If voted in.
They’ll fix it so they’ll never lose
They’ll always win
So when you vote
A caution note
Please do be careful whom you choose


A Good Read

I’m reading carefully a book by David Corn
“American Psychosis” which reveals in depth
Historic reasons why our country’s torn
And why democracy for us may meet its death

All through our history since our nation’s founding
Trumped up conspiracies did flourish throughout
Fomenting hatred, fear, words racist sounding
Pro white supremacy it was about

A universal theme of Corn’s vast tome:
A segment consequential of society
Resides in fear and ignorance, their home
The fertile home for false conspiracies

They’re taught to fear the communist, the Jew,
The immigrant of non-Caucasian roots
And politicians claim to share their views
Pretenses false so as to get their votes

Societies and prophets came and went
Illuminati, Birch and KKK
McCarthyism, Bolsheviks, now spent
But followers in ignorance still stay

The latest prophet false to woo this crowd
Is Donald Trump. His crowd wears MAGA hats
And now Trump has non-MAGA Reps. all cowed
Like those before, the MAGA votes, is where it’s at
