A Week That Was

So mark this week your calendar
The many firsts that happened there
The country’s moved to places new
Occurred, it seems, out of the blue

The stunning Kansas pro-choice vote
The senate passed a bill of note
The massive inflation-reduction act
All Democrats, amazing fact!

The FBI made history
Trump’s Mar-a-Lago sanctuary
Raided, searched, found and retrieved
Stuff classified, it is believed

Each happening in of itself
A worthy narrative to tell
But happening together says
It truly is a week that was


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

3 thoughts on “A Week That Was”

  1. From Snopes” For example, Time.com reported that on Nov. 2, 2016, Trump said, “If Hillary Clinton were to be elected, it would create an unprecedented and protracted constitutional crisis.” He was referencing the fact that the FBI had just announced days earlier that it had reopened the investigation into the former secretary of state’s emails. On Nov. 5, Trump said that Clinton’s “current scandals and controversies” would make it “impossible for her to govern.” So I suppose anyone who is investigated by the FVI is not fit to be president?

    1. With former President Trump don’t look for consistency except his continuous, consistent prevarication.

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