No Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade is now no more
The Court Supreme has struck it down
This doesn’t end; there’s more in store
An all states ban is next around

The rationale, I don’t believe,
Is simply saving unborn lives
Republicans by this achieve
The subjugation of all wives

As citizens of second class
Whose freedom has been ripped away
Whom vigilantes may harass
On privacy they’ll have no say

No longer credible, the Court
The justices Republican’s
Intent was clear right from the start
Defying most Americans

What can be done? You well may ask
The answer’s getting out the vote
It must be our most urgent task
It really is our only hope


Memorial Day, 2022

I’m not a hero, though I’m dead
I’m not what politicians say
To justify that I’m this way
When speaching on Memorial Day
“We thank our heroes; bow our heads”

I didn’t join to cause his end
That day he was my enemy
To look upon with enmity
I must shoot him or he’ll shoot me
Who otherwise might be my friend

We’re here because our politicians
Representing our great nations
Couldn’t solve some situation
Compromise in arbitration
We’re data now for statisticians

But I’m remembered by a few
My Mom, my Dad, they still are sad
The wife and child I might have had
The morning sun that made me glad
My would-be friend feels that way too
