My wife, as Savta Raba known
To our children great and grand,
Posed a poignant observation
Having heard the evening views
Of the pundits on the news –
Republican prevarication
And their autocratic stance
Democracy could well be gone
Her observation, simply this:
What, she wondered, life will be
For our children grand and great
Will there be democracy
Or likely an autocracy
When they’ll be twenty, in that state
How limited their lives might be
And will they know what they have missed?
My thought response, as I remember,
Thinking how life then might be
I thought of Russia, Putin’s realm –
All slaves to Putin’s craziness
With lives, so threatened, in duress –
Trump’s son might be here at the helm
When suddenly it dawned on me:
‘Twill be decided come November
Month: April 2022
In the midst of news abhorrent
Raining down, it seems, in torrents
Both internal
And external
There is news that is historic
And that news is KBJ
Judge Ketanji, black and female
Smart, articulate in detail
Poised demeanor
Took to cleaners
Senators with mouths choleric
KBJ was on her way
Fifty three to forty seven
She had made it through the Senate
Closed doors battered
Ceilings shattered
Her achievement most fantastic
She’ll be Justice KBJ