Initial Invasion

Although it wasn’t shock and awe
Nor action that we all foresaw
It did, though, violate the law

Since Russia did Ukraine invade
And Putin proclamations made
That DONBAS hosted sovereign states

Luhansk and Donetsk, he declared
Republics that no longer fared
As part of Ukraine’s land they shared

But no authority has he
Himself to issue such decrees
Defying Ukraine’s sovereignty

“Peace keepers” Putin named the force
He sent to DONBAS, but, of course,
It was invasion; no remorse

Some sanctions Biden will impose
Deferring harsher ones; he chose
To try deterrence; though he knows

That shock and awe we’ll likely see
When Putin sets his forces free
The Ukraine as their enemy


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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