Wake Up! Wake Up!

The RNC defined itself by coining its most recent phrase
It so described the one-six mob who stormed the nation’s Capital
As protesters pursuing rights who were, in doing so, engaged
Politically in lawful acts (of violence); “discourse” ‘twas called

Agreement was unanimous: no member voiced opposing views
And on the Hill was silence heard among Republicans so loud
Except the few who had the guts to say it really wasn’t true
But of the rest I wonder whether of their silence they feel proud

Like Trump what’s black they’ll claim is white; they’ll traffic in his blatant lies
The total power that Trump wields o’er most Republicans today
Should in the future he becomes the President, I would surmise
It won’t be just the RNC but all the nation in his sway

Wake up! Wake up! All Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans
Enacting policies, I know, has always been your worthy goal
It’s time to shout now to the nation that our freedom can’t withstand
Republicans in power again. They’d kill democracy, its soul


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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