A Delayed Special Day

As it turned out it was today
That special day I wrote about
A bit delayed; I had some doubt
But history today was made

The bills ensuring rights to vote
Approved by Senate Democrats
But sixty votes it did not have
Republicans we’re all opposed

Dems sought to change the rules within
To filibuster like before
Where one would have to hold the floor
And when he stops debate begins

The change proposed was just this time
The filibuster after that
Would then return to where ‘twas at
Of killing bills, a lawful crime

But this did not sway Sinema
Or Manchin to revise their stand
Their NO was felt throughout the land
They voted with Republicans

I find it difficult to ken
Their unabated loyalty
But not to our democracy
To filibuster rules instead

This places such a burden on
The Democrats in twenty two
To overcome state laws, all new
That make it hard and hard to win

But it is what we’ll have to do


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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