The Demise of Voting Rights

The Dems in Arizona state
Who once loved Kyrsten Sinema
Who canvassed for the candidate
Now treat her like an enemy

For Dems approval of her went
From somewhere in the seventies
To plummet down to eight percent
Some claim it’s due to vanity

By so opposing changes in
The filibuster Senate rule
That would allow the bills to win
She made her name; she was no fool

Since Kyrsten craved publicity
A narcissistic streak it seems
By having the audacity
To thwart the Democrats, their dreams

Her name’s now known full nation wide
I doubt she’ll ever run again
Her eyes look to the private side
It’s what I think, but wrong I’ve been


A Delayed Special Day

As it turned out it was today
That special day I wrote about
A bit delayed; I had some doubt
But history today was made

The bills ensuring rights to vote
Approved by Senate Democrats
But sixty votes it did not have
Republicans we’re all opposed

Dems sought to change the rules within
To filibuster like before
Where one would have to hold the floor
And when he stops debate begins

The change proposed was just this time
The filibuster after that
Would then return to where ‘twas at
Of killing bills, a lawful crime

But this did not sway Sinema
Or Manchin to revise their stand
Their NO was felt throughout the land
They voted with Republicans

I find it difficult to ken
Their unabated loyalty
But not to our democracy
To filibuster rules instead

This places such a burden on
The Democrats in twenty two
To overcome state laws, all new
That make it hard and hard to win

But it is what we’ll have to do


A Special Day

I’m writing this the night before
A special day, the day the vote
Will happen on the Senate floor
Which will be of historic note

Perhaps, delayed yet one day more
But not beyond. This subject’s hot
What Democrats are fighting for
Republicans, they like it not

A vote to save our voting rights
Free, fair elections every state
Whose legislatures, with their might
Have rigged the outcomes for their slate

To pass these bills most readily
The filibuster need be changed
Permitting a majority
To be sufficient, simple, sane

What’s riding on tomorrow’s vote
The fate of our democracy
To slowly die or stay afloat
A test of its resiliency


Stand On Your Head

Stand on your head
And look at the world right side up
That is because
The world of politics is standing up side down
Domestic terrorists have now become
Just peaceful people protesting
With pepper spray and flag-pole clubs
A gallows built to lynch Mike Pence
To see him dangling up side down
He did the unforgivable
Obeyed his Constitution vow
Today, to be Republican you must embrace
Trump’s super lie
To wear truth garments inside out
The only way you’ll maintain clout
Your Trump allegiance not in doubt
Stand on your head
And watch democracy
Go slowly dead


One, Six, Twenty Two

So, what has changed all in a year?
The rank and file Republicans
Some fifty five percent believed
That Trump had won. That he achieved
A second term. Biden’s the man
Who stole the votes. Their “truth” held dear

It’s more than seventy percent
Republicans who now believe
That Biden lost, What does that say
About America today?
The lies they buy, the yarns they weave
That Trump is still their President

A year ago they staged a coup
As part of an extensive scheme
To overturn what Trump had lost
They’d win no matter what the cost
The Capital in force they breached
They did what they were told to do

So what, now, does our future hold?
Trumpublicans, fanatics who
Will use whatever’s in the books
To bring Trump back by hook or crook
Democracy be damned, their view
All heil to Trump who’s good as gold

We, Dems cannot stand idly by
Must organize, must build our strength
Must pass new laws, elections fair
The filibuster, must repair
Must fight the fight; must go the length
Or our democracy will die
