Traitor Trump was loud broadcasting
To his base, his loyal crew
And to those his coattails grasping
Fearing what to them he’d do
Send me money, big donations
Patriots I’ll make of you
And embrace my fabrications
Else my spite will follow through
Republicans, I’m what you stand for
Vote for me, for if you don’t
You’ll become a hated traitor
Be elected hence, you won’t
Signs of Donald’s desperation
He’ll do treason to regain
The Presidency of this nation
To be powerful again
His acolytes, the legislatures
Of swing states gone nearly blue
Have passed laws whose very nature
Kills democracy; it’s true!
Meanwhile Democrats are busy
Arguing, where nothing’s done
Sinema behaving prissy
Manchin standing grand as one
Traitor Trump could end up winning
While Dem’s chances slip away
Time for Dems to quit their spinning
Not to waste another day!
Amen to that.