“Don’t tread on me!” The Texans say
While stomping hard on women’s rights
They passed a law that takes away
Their right to choose; yes, Roe v. Wade
With consequences out of sight
Where vigilante hoards will roam
To spy on women in their homes
They’ll hack their Emails and their phones
Incentivized by their reward
Ten thousand bucks if they can prove
That anyone by deed or word
At any time four years removed
In any way did aid, abet
A woman to abortion get;
Ten thousand bucks the fine would be
The Court Supreme in dead of night
By shadow docket ruled against
A court injunction stopping hence
This law denying women’s rights
The Justices decided thus
Without debate; no hearings held
Although they knew it violates
The constitutionality
Of Roe v. Wade. Inaction in reality
Okayed the law so other states
Will copy it; not just abortion…
Other federal laws I’ll mention
Laws that frustrate their intentions
Laws that they have come to hate
Becoming vigilante states
It’s the beginning of the storm
It’s well past time for Court reform