A colossal disaster the pundits all say
Our Afghan withdrawal these last several days
Chaotic confusion; a Biden black eye
His ratings have dropped; they’re no longer sky high
He did what he said he would do when he ran
He’d pull out our forces from Afghanistan
He made the mistake of believing our generals
The Afghani Army, turns out, was ephemeral
The Taliban forces were ready to trot
And captured the country not firing a shot
The airport at Kabul, escape’s only route
So thousands of Afghans jammed there to get out
Of course there was chaos; we had lost the war
Large thousands of Afghans were living in fear
For they had assisted our troops many ways
Now Taliban targets they’d be if they stayed
Joe Biden responded, accepting the blame
Creating an airlift that’s destined for fame
In twelve days transporting near one hundred thousand
To safety, a new life, a welcome new homeland
This isn’t quite over tonight as I write
But meeting his deadline is clearly in sight
By the end of the month, the withdrawal complete
If he does meet that goal it will be quite a fete
Joe Biden has shown that a leader he be
Admitting mistakes; “Yes, the buck stops with me.”
Responding to happenings there on the ground
Decisive, effective, he’s turned things around
I agree bit Fox News will capitalize on this.