A Senator I Am

A senator I am, Republican I be
I proudly represent the people of my state
Except those Democrats who didn’t vote for me
Their thoughts toward me I sense are bordering on hate

A bunch of socialist who want to give away
The money that we’re taxed to lazy S.O.B.s
Those low-life browns and blacks who sit around all day
Who think they’re good as whites, and claim equality

But my State Legislature’s passed a bunch of laws
Designed to make it hard for Democrats to win
Suppressing blacks and browns, a truly worthy cause
By drawing Precinct lines based on color of the skin

And in those very Precincts they did all they could do
To make it inconvenient for residents to vote
I think that’s pretty clever. Come twenty, twenty two
We’re sure to take the House. Dem’s chances are remote

Today we filibustered the ‘For The People Act’
The Democrats were trying to kill our legislation
Of course I voted NO. Why wouldn’t I do that?
It’s that or we’d lose power and suffer indignation


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

One thought on “A Senator I Am”

  1. You know that it is a sad day when Democrats and Republicans officially can’t get along as well as some Palestinians and Israelis

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