What’s happening and what can we expect?
Delusional the President that was
Believing he’s the President that is;
That Biden has usurped the POTUS role
The Presidential mantle Biden stole
His title’s false which no one should respect
And thirty million Trumpers take his word
As gospel, truly everything he says
Their patriotic duty’s to find ways
To put Trump back as Pres. where he belongs
Back in the White House righting Biden’s wrongs
‘Twill soon be time to act; their loins to gird
Trump thinks in August he’ll be reinstated
But what will happen when that won’t take place
A storming of the White House all will face
With weapons blazing clearing Biden out
A full fledged coupe is what they’ll bring about
Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys delegated
One doesn’t have to be a brilliant Einstein
To see where Trump’s delusions likely lead
They’re planning now because they must succeed
Great patriots they are, Trump’s soldiers true
Whatever Trump commands they’re sure to do
Once Trump is back their country will be fine