I’m Not a Racist

I’m not a racist, but I know that really whites are best
The blacks, you know, the niggers,
They’re barely just above the apes
The Mexicans, they steal, they rape
And Jews? Good God, go figure!
They’re worse than all the rest!

I mean, we really are supreme
It’s in our genes, our nature
We truly are the race most fit
To be on top, king’s throne to sit,
To rule the people of this nation
It’s our goal; it’s not a dream

Trump was our man; he understood
That blacks and browns are gaining ground
They multiply like raunchy hares
Us whites we have to be aware
That to majority they’re bound
They’re up to something no damn good!

And Biden, white, but what an ass!
His cabinet he’s filled with Jews
And chinks and reds and God knows who
And God knows what they’ll try to do
Trump is the rightful ruler, true
I’ll do my worst to bring him back!


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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