The rescue bill’s a done, done deal; it will be signed come Friday
The Dems have breached beyond belief; it is their pie-in-sky day
So popular is this one bill, Republicans embrace it
Except for those in Congress who would all like to erase it
I’m happy for the Everyman and Woman who’ve been struggling
I’m happy for the kids in schools whose learning has been troubling
I’m happy for the children who’ll be lifted out of poverty
So many good things in this bill, it truly is a novelty
Concurrent with my joy I’m saddened by Republicans
Who only know to answer NO to bills I’d deem imperative
They have no platform, things they’re for, ‘cept tax cuts for the wealthy
The way they plan to win elections is by means unhealthy
Unhealthy for democracy, unhealthy for the nation
Red states are passing laws that limit voter registration
And laws that make it hard to vote which target populations
Black and brown, all Democrats. They pass them with elation
They bow to Trump, bereft they are of policies for people
Embracing white supremacy, they dwell in ivory steeples
Pontificating emptily, their oath of office broken
Their tipsy towers are caving in, the GOP’s forsaken