Impeachment Trial, Day Two

We sat glue-eyed, transfixed by sight and sound
The Senate trial of Trump, ten cuts beyond
House managers with expertise, aplomb
Replayed the insurrection, seen at home

Explained in detail what took place and when
The role Trump played convincing his Big Lie
His failures to dispute the Biden win
How “Stop the steal!” became Trump’s battle cry

New scenes in video that came alive
Of rioters well armed and organized
Who stormed the Capital, blood in their eyes
And Congress members fleeing for their lives

It left no doubt that Trump was all on board
The rioters were there to fight for him
He pitched them to a frenzied, maddened hoard
To stop elector counting so he’d win

It will be interesting, all said and done
How Senators, Republican, will choose –
To label Trump the truly guilty one,
Or vote acquittal; licking at Trump’s shoes


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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