I find I don’t agree with what some pundits now are saying
About the great red-blue divide the Big Lie has inspired.
The split is not political, not at its very root.
Nor is it ideological, ‘though some might this refute.
It’s really fear that whites won’t have the votes that are required
To dominate their world. They see their dominance decaying
Trump’s Lie found ground that was around all set to be implanted
Trump’s prejudices qualified him to become the leader
When Trump won with the G O P, the G O P turned Trump
And now they have to lick his boots or be unseemly dumped
But underneath, it’s demographic change, the real defeater
Majority minority, the fear that breeds fanatics
Sans Jews and sans Hispanics, whites, in less than twenty years,
Will constitute the lesser race. Their fear of being ruled
By other than their good-old-boys is what they won’t endure
They’ll do whatever they can do so white rule is ensured
Democracy will have to go no punches will be pulled
Make no mistake the threat is real; we have to persevere
Month: February 2021
Empty Chairs
More half a million of us dead, one year
The kitchen table set with empty chairs
Emotions trapped within by unshed tears
Our memories seem more than we can bear
I put aside this sorrow of our time
To speak of politics, democracy
The President’s agenda’s on the line
Republican recalcitrance is keen
Pres. Biden wants bipartisan support
It lends laws thusly passed a lot more clout
The sixty Senate votes to not abort
His legislative bills, appear in doubt
The filibuster is what makes this real
The right of Senators to block a vote
Until a vote of cloture stops their spiel
They truly aren’t required to speak, take note
Some sixty Senate votes is what’s required
For cloture of a filibuster’s spell
Unless the Dems. can muster what’s desired
Their bills won’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell
The Senate rules cannot be filibustered
That fifty one approve is all it takes
Sufficient votes the Democrats can muster
To change the cloture rule; with what’s at stake
We’ve had four years of gross erratic rule
Where people’s needs were heavily ignored
Resulting in these deaths, results too cruel!
The filibuster – we cannot afford
President Biden used the allusion of “empty chairs”.
Comments on the poem, Acquittal
From Rich C.
McConnell made it clear that Trump was guilty and encouraged the country to hold him accountable in the court system. Muller even said he was guilty of obstruction and now that he is a private citizen, multiple law suits should be filed. We knew the republicans would Acquit him so what McConnell said is a gift we should praise and use against Trump via the Justice department and Civil Courts.
My Reply
Thanks, Rich, for your comment. I agree that McConnell’s post trial speech sounded like one of the House managers. He said he voted for acquittal since he came to the conclusion that a former president can’t be impeached. This, after he forced the trial to take place after Trump was out of office by not reconvening the Senate for the trial before Jan 20. Also, the Senate voted that the trial was in order. He may have been sincere in his statement but his audience were the large donors who fund the Republican party. The Democrats still might use the 14th amendment to keep him from holding office in the future. Civil and criminal suites will probably be filed against Trump but those will, likely, take years to make it through the courts.
From Nancy H. F.
You hit the nail flat on its head!
Per usual, succinctly said!
Although all had been foretold,
My optimism took hold
Until Trump’s chumps from just judgment fled!
My Reply
Your verse was terse and aptly said
Your praise has gone straight to my head
I normally don’t go whole hog,
I’d love to post it on my BLOG
Foregone it was, acquittal in this trial
In spite of proof beyond all trumped up doubt
That Trump was guilty; no one was beguiled
To otherwise believe. The truth blared out.
House managers, magnificent their spiel
Trump’s lawyers hardly earned their legal pay
Irrelevant was what they brought to say
For them it was a painful, harsh ordeal
Some seven brave Republicans rebelled
Against the rest who voted to acquit
That seven put their country first, revealed
The remnants of the GOP. That’s it!
The rest belong to Trump, tied at the hip
To do his bidding, yes, stiff upper lip!
Now that he feels no binding of constraints
He has his army, trial-by-battle trained
I doubt he’ll wait four years to make his move
The feel of power hungering his soul
To get it back at any cost, his goal
Clear vigilance, upon us, it behooves
Impeachment Trial, Day Two
We sat glue-eyed, transfixed by sight and sound
The Senate trial of Trump, ten cuts beyond
House managers with expertise, aplomb
Replayed the insurrection, seen at home
Explained in detail what took place and when
The role Trump played convincing his Big Lie
His failures to dispute the Biden win
How “Stop the steal!” became Trump’s battle cry
New scenes in video that came alive
Of rioters well armed and organized
Who stormed the Capital, blood in their eyes
And Congress members fleeing for their lives
It left no doubt that Trump was all on board
The rioters were there to fight for him
He pitched them to a frenzied, maddened hoard
To stop elector counting so he’d win
It will be interesting, all said and done
How Senators, Republican, will choose –
To label Trump the truly guilty one,
Or vote acquittal; licking at Trump’s shoes
Glass On The Capital Steps
Scattered fragments of our democracy
Shards of violence incited by Pres. Forty Five
The sixth of January twenty twenty one
We shall not forget
An officer, one Brian Sicknick
Murdered by the rioters
Honored, lies in state beneath the dome
We shall not forget
Next week begins
The trial of Forty Five
Impeached this second time
His lie that he’s still President
Will be the core of his defense
‘Twas at the core of his demise
That led to this impeachment trial
That’s really truly chutzpah!!
This Senate trial will reveal
The cowardice or courage
Of each Senator
And we shall not forget