Today Is History

For the first historic time a President will be
Impeached a second time. ‘Twill be the Prexy’s fate
The vote will be bipartisan against the Prexy’s deeds
Fomenting insurrection by mad mobs consumed with hate

Mitch McConnell, bless his shriveled scheming heart
Figured that the time was right to jump
‘Twas time to force Trump early to depart
He doesn’t want him on the campaign stump

He’s likely for conviction then to vote
And vote so Trump could never run again
‘Twould free him from the tails of Donald’s coat
His power would be the way it’s always been

And as McConnell votes so then will others
Perhaps enough the Donald to convict
‘Twould be another first, ‘though not Trump’s druthers
Not too unlikely is what I depict


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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