What a Day!

It’s time, I say, to now invoke the twenty fifth Amendment
Trump has demonstrated that he is
A clear and serious danger to the nation
Having so incited sedition, insurrection
The storming of the Capital by Trump’s deluded mob
To halt the voting of each state’s’ electors
The chambers breached and desecrated
Bearing flags and arms; where were the cops?

Their purpose, though, was not achieved
The tallied votes of all the states
That certified officially
Joe Biden will be President
And Kamala, Vice President.
But two weeks still remain

Congratulations Jon and David, two new Senators elected
Georgia has turned blue and, too, the Senate
So far democracy survives,
But only barely


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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