The holiday of Chanukkah is for re-dedication
For Jews, the Jewish way of life
It celebrates the fight they won
Against Antiochus of Syria
Who tried to make them bow to him
And not to God
The Hellenistic Jews did not support
The Maccabees in their harsh battles
Opting to support Antiochus
Actively and passively
Belief in God decided by the sword
They nearly lost
Our way of life, democracy, is likewise on the line
One Party has turned autocratic
Opting to support the Prexy
Though the voters did not choose him
Trashing our democracy
They nearly won
Our challenge, like the ancient Maccabees:
To keep our democratic way of life
To cure the ills political
That have infected many we’ve elected
It clearly is the existential
Challenge of our time
We are the ones to set our country’s fate
So light a candle for our country’s sake