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When Joe Biden walks down the street
All the little Trumpies go tweet, tweet, tweet
Though Joe’s winning was evident
They don’t buy that he’ll be President

As this old year comes to a close
There’s one thing that Joe Biden knows
Trump’s tweet tweeting will not soon stop
Though his bubble is going to pop

All the little Trumpies will carry on
Long, long after Pres. Trump is gone
They’ll hound Biden with tweet, tweet, tweet
But Pres. Biden will not retreat

Once Joe’s sworn in as President
We’ll be happy where last year went
Happy New Year to all of you
What you wish for should all come true



Clearly Trump is angry at the nation’s Democrats
Clearly Trump is angry at the Senate GOP
Clearly getting even on them is where he is at
Not signing the relief bill he’ll enhance their misery

Congress says to sign it or at least provide a veto
So they could override it and deliver some relief
But come the third of January it’s a pocket veto
And Congress will be new; this bill would thereby see defeat

And down the Government would shut, Trump wreaking his revenge
He may refuse to open it unless the Congress votes
To overrule the nation’s choice and keep him President
Such blackmail’s really not beyond him, I would sadly note

But I believe he’d not succeed were he to take this route
Be that as may, it’s strange, I say, my harboring such thoughts
Revealing deep my lack of trust of Trump, my many doubts
But New Year dawns a new day won by all the battles fought


The End Shame

The End this time is not a game; it really is a shame
As much as Trump’s been off his rocker
For four years of Trump show stoppers
Lately Donald Trump’s behavior could democracy enflame

His loss, which he won’t recognize, has landed him depressed
He’s wreaking havoc on the nation’s
Government in retribution
Threatening the use of force to still remain, since pressed

Trump attacked his confidants who recognized his real-life loss
Mitch McConnell, William Barr and
Pence and Meadows, where they stand
They all are traitors. Trump intends to stay despite the cost

His sycophants in Congress plan to challenge the electors
This action will be their last gasp
For presidency in their grasp
And so they like to think themselves as Donald Trump’s defenders

They will not win although they’ll cause a great deal of commotion
Trump can’t abide his future fall
He’s backed up now against the wall
It’s hard to know, in desperation what he’ll set in motion

These happenings are fast apace
As Rachel says “just watch this space “


The Cloud We’re Under

The Russian Cozy Bear has not been lazy there
Appears they were the source: a Trojan horse, of course
A hack attack they made on agencies, none spared,
Both government and businesses; so clever their resource

Last March they snuck within some code by Solar Wind
‘Twas just some update code, the horse the hackers rode
But once inside, horizons wide, access to all within
All agencies’ computers. ‘Twas quite a treasure trove

Their time inside, nine months before a private firm
Discovered they’d been hacked and told the FBI
Meanwhile all files laid bare to Cozy Bear full term
The worst attack by far; the damage done sky high

From Trump, though, not a word that publicly’s been heard
In thief and not in chief he is our lame commander
Of damage he has done, I am bereft of words
It will take many years to lift the cloud we’re under


Our Hearts

The “Breaking News” of late is breaking of our hearts
One hundred twenty six Rep. Congressmen
Elected to abandon our democracy; they break our hearts
Senators Republican who haven’t got the spine
To buck a lying, losing President; they break our hearts
Three hundred thousand of us dead, three thousand five today
It was on purpose by the President, his herd immunity
That, too, was Breaking News, it breaks our hearts

Some news is good
Joe Biden won the votes and all the fifty legal suits
The vaccines are reality. It cheers our hearts
So now we’re being extra special careful
Not to let this COVID stop our hearts
When true relief is only weeks away


Chanukkah 2020

The holiday of Chanukkah is for re-dedication
For Jews, the Jewish way of life
It celebrates the fight they won
Against Antiochus of Syria
Who tried to make them bow to him
And not to God

The Hellenistic Jews did not support
The Maccabees in their harsh battles
Opting to support Antiochus
Actively and passively
Belief in God decided by the sword
They nearly lost

Our way of life, democracy, is likewise on the line
One Party has turned autocratic
Opting to support the Prexy
Though the voters did not choose him
Trashing our democracy
They nearly won

Our challenge, like the ancient Maccabees:
To keep our democratic way of life
To cure the ills political
That have infected many we’ve elected
It clearly is the existential
Challenge of our time

We are the ones to set our country’s fate
So light a candle for our country’s sake


Don’t let my public hear me now
Republican I am, a senator as well
If they knew what I really thought
The battles that I haven’t fought
‘Though there’s a place for me in Hell
To keep my seat I must kowtow

To Trump with all his machinations
His clear slow-walking of a coup
Stealing his lost presidency
By citing vote discrepancies
I know his claims are all untrue
There’s really nothing I can do
Just thinking on it makes me sob
If I stood up I’d lose my job

For my supporters I feel sorry
I know they live inside a bubble,
Filled with Trump’s inflated lies,
Though democracy might die
To speak the truth would cause me trouble
A Primary loss would happen, surely

That is the reason why I’m silent
Though to my oath I’m non compliant


A Grand New Party

It’s time to look ahead where angels fear to tread
With thoughts of after Trump, where, surely, he will jump
He’ll not admit he lost, at devastating cost,
He’ll act as though he’s still the President. He feels
That Biden’s votes were swollen illegally and stolen
That he will, through and through, control what Joe can do
His sucker base of dummies contributed much money
And all the Senate Reps. will grovel in lock step
He’ll still have Twitter power enough to make them cower
Most often he will choose to dominate the news
Outrageous accusations of Joe against the nation
A master at deceiving and conning to believing

This future makes me queasy; tomorrow won’t be easy
For Kamala and Joe but there’s one thing I know
Alert they are, astute; Trump’s falsehoods they’ll refute
Their task will be the Senate, to wean them from Trump’s menace
And from McConnell’s grip. His hold on them to strip.

My thoughts, for what they’re worth: it’s time, I say, to birth
A Party fresh and new, conservative through and through
Not tied to Trump or Biden; Republicans in hiding
The G.O.P. is dead. A G.N.P. instead
