I’d like to see the GOP return to being grand again
A muse conservative in views, the way it was back sometime when
Facts were accepted, truth respected, not the subject of debate
With problem solving by resolving differences in give and take
That can’t occur if Donald were to win on the election date
Then Trump, no doubt, would wield such clout he’d certainly retaliate
Against the Left and all the rest whose votes weren’t likely cast his way
The GOP, as used to be, would not survive beyond that day
But should Trump lose, real Reps. could choose their Grand Old Party to revive
And o’er succeeding voting seasons cause Trump Reps. to not survive
Those sycophantic Trump-fanatic senators and congressmen
The hypocrites who’d not resist when Trump pulled his shenanigans
To make the party hale and hearty, one deserving of respect
Conservative with views persuasive, concepts one would not neglect
When then debating, sans berating, issues needing to be solved
The GOP would need to be the opposition, loyal all