She now is Justice Amy Barrett not for better but for worse
Her writings show she’s further to the right than Justice Thomas
Senator McConnell’s gloating, stated principles reversed
And every senator who joined him went against his vocal promise
Hypocrisy is nothing new among those whom we’ve all elected
It is unfortunate but, really, that’s what we expect of them
But THIS hypocrisy’s so blatant, dire the impact that’s expected,
Grand Old Party senators discredited, each one of them
Same-sex marriage, vote suppression, also women’s right to choose,
Obama Care and even the election (maybe) soon will be
Brought before the Court Supreme, with Amy we’ll be bound to lose
The answer to this situation is to pack the Court Supreme
But, for that to happen, really we must overwhelmingly
Win both up and down the ballot, win on the Election Day
Vote, yourself and contact all your friends and family
Get them to vote and sway them, if you can, to vote our way